Chapter 42 - Let Her Go!!

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Nicole's P.O.V.

Ever felt like Sherlock Holmes, No? Well, you bet that I'm feeling like him right now. I mean sneaking into someone's privacy is so not Nicole's way but my life is so messed up that it doesn't give me much choice.

I opened the door and entered Austin's room and closed the door behind me so that no one enter untill and unless I want.

I switched on the light and roamed my eyes all over the room. His stuff was packed, Man! Now what? How am I going to find out his secrets?

Ugg, I hate boys and I hate Austin to the top. Can't he unpack his bags? Who is he expecting to do it for him?

I started with the small bagpack first which was placed on the bed because he had placed his sketchbook in that one only and I guess luck is also on my side because I got everything needed in his bag only.

There was a diary, a sketchbook and his other stuffs like purse and keys and all. I picked out the sketchbook and decided to go through this.

Isn't it a bad deed to sneak into someone's privacy? My inneself advised me.

I don't have any choice, I replied.

As soon as I opened the book, a number of butter papers fall on the ground.

"Shit", I cursed under my breath.

I started picking up the papers but there were something drawn on them. One page had eyes, other had a nose drawn on it and one had a rough image. What the heck is this now? Can't Austin just make one whole picture together?

I organised the pages and was about to place them back only when my mind started processing. I placed the pages in sequence and Holy fudge, all pages after combining made an image, which was mine!!

I quickly opened the sketchbook and it contained my sketches only. He had drawn my sketches all over the sketchbook. Is he insane?

I placed the sketchbook back in his bag and opened the diary. Don't get me wrong but this is something related to me and I don't mind stepping my feet into someone's privacy when it's related to me and my truth.

The front page of the diary said "Lone Boy's Happy Girl". A unknown feeling passed through my heart.

I quickly opened the first page and there it was, the same handwriting which were on the letters. It said,

"I saw her today for the first time at the lake side. She was writing something over my bag. I wanted to stop her and shout at her but she just went away before I could reach near her. I ran to my bag and picked up the paper. She wrote these lines saying, 'Life is beautiful, you can make it beautiful by choosing good colors, try to paint it by heart and don't curse it but love it'. She did took her first step that day in my life unknowingly. She, the happy girl".

I sat down on the bed with tears brimming in my eyes. I was hurt because I felt cheated. All the way from day one to now, It was Austin behind those letters but Rian lied to me about his identity and so do Austin.

I again turned the next page and it said,

"I talked to her for the first time today. Her name is Nicole Anderson and only God knows that she totally get on my nerves. She didn't talked to me nicely and man, did she hates me so much. She loves Nial but he's not right for her and I feel the need to save her from that boy. I need to do something and I know only Rian could help me in this".

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