Chapter 54 - I Like You!

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Rian's P.O.V.

'We've reached', I said reading Austin's message and looked around me.

"We're ready", Cali yelled from a distance arranging the candles on the table.

"Let's hide guys or else they'll see us", Nial said.

"They'll see us either way after all we're the servants", Ellie replied rolling her eyes.

"Stop fighting and disperse guys", Max said and we all moved to our respective places.

Well, Austin confessed his feelings for Nicole in front of the whole group and he seriously wanted to give his relationship a try with Nicole so we've promised him that we'll help him.

I personally want Nicole to ship with Austin because one he loves her and second she deserves a true love story. She's worth a fight and I'm happy Austin understands that.

Nial's party had been cancelled due to this date thing, so we're trying our best to give our hundred percent in decorations whilst Mr. Williams did nothing except giving us orders.

He send Ellie to buy dresses for Nicole, asked Cali to ready Nicole and we're arranging everything here from food to lighting. We can organise a freaking marriage now, I can bet on that.

"They're here", Ellie said whilst we all were looking at them from the tree house, which is at a distance so we used binoculars.

"She's looking beautiful", Mike said out of no where.

"And she's taken, you lose your chance", Max replied.

"I found Austin lucky, I wish I could be him", Mike again said and it just surprised me.

"From when are you taking interest in Nicole?", Jason asked and he shrugged his shoulder.

"She's looking pretty today so may be from now only", Mike winked at me and Nial gave him a punch. Tell me something, he's idiot.

"Okie, let's wait for Austin's message", I replied and we all settled on the couches, not oogling much at those couples.

"Yeah", All responded.


Nicole's P.O.V.

I gaped at the beautiful site in front of me. I mean no doubt this place is beautiful and calm but these lightings and decorations added more beauty to this beautiful place.

"Wow, it's amazing", I said trying to capture everything in one go.

"It's for you", Austin replied in my ear and I felt his presence behind me, way too close me!

I gulped nervously and moved two steps ahead and then turned to see him. He was giving me a pure smile, not smirk, but a smile.

"Thanks", was all I could​ say.

"You're worth it", he said and then signalled me to sit one of the chairs which were covered with white silk cloth and between the two chairs was a table, covered with a white and red clothe and decorated by candles and a bouquet of roses. The branches of tree were also hugged by candles, giving it a awe look.

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