Chapter 43 - Unexpected Guest!!

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Nicole's P.O.V.

I'm sitting on my bed with my legs folded across my chest looking at my mobile which is ringing continuously from past half an hour. I've reached my home and Cali is calling me constantly without a pause from the time I've switched on my mobile.

Not only she but Rian also. I do understand why Cali is concerned but why is Rian worrying about me? What did he want to talk about? Did he want to share his love story with me or want to serve one more dish of his lies in front of me?

I was in dilemma that what should I do now? I ain't interested in talking to him nor could I confront him that I knew his truth.

I left my room and went downstairs so that my mobile won't disturb me anymore. I need distraction. Julian was in the kitchen and my mom was on the couch reading magzines.

"Julian can I get a cup of coffee please?', I asked and she nodded.

"What's the matter Cole? It's your third cup in past two hours. Are you ok?", My mom asked and for the first time I felt like she's really conserned about me.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm tired, that's it", I lied.

"You came early from your trip also. You know that you can share your problems with us", she said and I nodded.

Yea, why not? I thought.

Julian brought my coffee and I could sense concern in her eyes totally. I passed a tight smile to her for assuring her that I'm fine.

I moved outside the home with my coffee only when my mom called me out from behind.

"Cole since you're here and not going to college for next three days, we can go to a dinner party tomorrow", she said.

"Mom, I've my exams next month and I've to study so I can't come. Please this time get another company", I said and left her.

I came in the garden and sat on the bench. Austin used to sit on the bench only rather than inside on the couch. I still can't imagine that he actually loved me.

How do you feel when you got to know that someone truly loves you and that too secretly? You'll feel ticklish inside your stomach and your heart jump happily with ecasty right but what if that secret lover is someone whom you loathe. A person whom you can't stand for a minute, claims to be in love with you.

Well, you can't hate that person in that case and it doesn't mean you started loving them back. You actually pity them and things turned out to be highly awkward. You can't face that person and everytime when they'll be in front of you, you'll feel like running away.

I can't tell Austin that I know the truth because it will be awkward for him. He already is heartbroken and I don't want to make him more sad by telling him that I am not going to love him ever and that I don't want to even talk to him now. I'm not a jerk or sadist.

Life had actually turned into a mess!!

I'm more angry on Rian, more than Austin. Because he's the one whom I trusted. I got the point that he doesn't love me and is back with his ex but does it mean that I'm nothing to him?

He could've told me that he's back with his girlfriend. We talked for like hours on chatting but he still never ever even gave me any hint. Maybe I could've prevented my heart by not seeing him with someone else only if he had told me everything. But no, he chooses the other way. He preferred to betray me and broke my heart when he knew that I had suffered a lot in Nial's case.

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