≼ Chapter 13 ≽

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Hal and Tom had gone to get some practice firing crossbows since they were more silent than using guns. I already knew how to use one and Anne didn't want me off my crutches and back in the field just yet. While they were gone I had used the time to play and sit outside with Delaney. I was also able to catch up a little with my dad.

Lourdes, Maia, Delaney, Matt, Caden and I also had sat down to eat some lunch with my dad as well. It was nice that he was able to eat dinner with us last night and lunch today. He said Porter had kept him busy to make sure he would fit for the job back at his base. He had told us he didn't mean to ignore us and especially make Caden feel bad, but it was his job.

We also told him about the current plans to rescue Jackson and Ben tonight hopefully and he was ecstatic about it. He couldn't wait to have his eldest son back home and safe. He said once we got Jackson back he would stay with us as long as we needed.

As I was heading from the gym back to the room I noticed Hal sitting on a bench outside on one of the mini patios, talking with Rick. I stopped in my tracks and peered out the window at him until he walked back inside.

"Hey, Beckett." He greeted me.

"Hey. How was crossbow practice with your dad?" I asked with a laugh.

"It was fine. Maggie gave us some pointers to make our shots more accurate. Rick doesn't seem to want to talk much."

"Well, Mike said he was closed off and a bit quiet before he was harnessed. Maybe he's just resorting to his old self."

"No, there's something about it. Like he's unhappy being here like he didn't want to be rescued."

"What, like the Skitters really did take care of them?" I inquired. Hal shrugged.

"Maybe so. But he also said that we're all gonna be killed trying to rescue the rest of Ben and Jackson's group."

"Don't listen to him. I'm sure we will get it done just fine." I said.

"Yeah. I hope so." Hal sighed, lightly tapping the sides of his fists together. He started walking away like he had something else to say, but was afraid.

"Hal?" I asked aloud. He kept walking and ignored me.

I used my crutches to gain speed and get a little ahead of him. I made a quick turn, making the rubber on my crutches come to a halt and making me topple. Hal grabbed onto me, pulling me upright before I fell to the ground.

"What's going on with you?" I asked. "You seemed better this morning," I asked. Curious to know what was going on inside his head.

"I have a plan...but I don't think dad is gonna like it very much." He confessed.

"What's your plan?" I asked him.

"Well, I figured that going in and just ambushing them we will definitely get killed. So I thought if I had Anne strap Rick's harness onto me and then I could sneak into Ben's group as they went to sleep or whatever they do and then kill the Skitter when it falls asleep." My expression turned from curiosity to worry as he spoke his idea through.

"Hal...I agree it's a good idea, but it's risky, don't you think? I mean wouldn't the Skitter or the other kids realize you aren't really connected to them?" He shrugged.

"Rick said they don't feel a connection unless the Skitters are trying to communicate with them. I could go in completely unnoticed and undetected. Anna, please, I need you on my side. We both know Weaver and my dad won't agree, but if you agree with me, they might be more open to agreeing or at least compromising. I know the risks of this, but I have to try something to blend in to make it more likely for us to rescue them. If we go in as is, there's no doubt they will notice. I mean maybe the Skitter's are blind as to if someone is really harnessed or not, but I don't want to take that risk." Hal pleaded. I sighed, thinking it through.

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