≼ Chapter 15 ≽

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I had gone into the med-lab after going to eat something and found Caden sitting on the bed next to Jackson, along with my dad.

"Hey." My dad greeted me as I walked over. I gave a weak smile as he kissed my head. I looked two beds over, seeing the Mason's around Ben's bed. Hal was dabbing the blood around Ben's spikes, while Matt was sitting in Tom's lap.

"Where's Del?" I yawned.

"Maia's sleeping in the room with her," Caden replied. I nodded.

"You did a great job tonight. I'm proud of you," my dad praised.

"I learn from the best," I said looking at him with another smile.

"I have to go, sadly. I have sentry duty- filling in for someone. But, I'll check up in the morning. I was wiping off some blood on his back, around the spikes, you can finish if you want." I nodded. "Make sure you get some sleep as well, you need it.'

"I'm okay. Plus, I don't think I could get myself to fall asleep right now but thanks."

"Goodnight, dad." Caden and I called as he walked out.

"Was it scary?" Caden asked me. I shrugged, sitting down on the other side of Jackson. I grabbed a small bowl of water that was colored a dirty red as well as a semi-bloodied rag that hung on the side.

"A little bit, but nothing I can't handle." It was silent between us as I just dabbed the skin around Jackson's spikes, cleaning the blood away.

"Do you think it hurt's him?" Caden asked. "The spikes?"

"I don't think so. I think its one of those numb feelings, where you just don't notice them after a while," I told him, "But maybe that's something you could ask him when he wakes up."

It had been a little bit, and Caden had fallen asleep, lying on the side of Jackson. I was leaning up against the wall, looking over at the Mason's here and there. I heard the door open and I turned my head to see Anne walk in.

Tom stood up going over to her. I slowly stood up, groaning as my back cracked a little bit. I was careful not to wake Caden up. I went and sat on the bed that was next to Ben's, facing him and Hal.

"It's a time like this I almost don't feel tired. Like I'm so hyped up on adrenaline and emotion, the fatigue almost goes away," I told Hal.

"Yeah... I just feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Like all we've been working toward these past 5 months, all we've been worrying about, it's over. We got Ben back, you got Jackson back... they're finally home." I nodded.

"Yeah, I feel a little bit of that connection again. I don't feel so empty."

"Do you think he'll remember us?" Matt asked.

"Oh, I'm sure he will. He's family. You can't forget family," Hal assured looking at him, then me. I smiled.

"You can't forget someone you love, either," Hal emphasized, looking at me. I shook my head.

"I'm not even worrying about that. Whatever happens, happens. If he doesn't remember the feeling, I'm not gonna push. That's why I never said anything more that night. I didn't want to hope on a feeling for 5 months, that might not even be there later. And I thought I told you to-" I stopped talking when Ben started to move.

"Dad!" Hal immediately called out. I moved to the side a little bit. Tom came over, and I held onto Matt as we looked at Ben. Tom knelt down next to Ben's head as he slowly raised it. Matt moved from my grip, going to the side of Tom. Hal bent down, wrapping his arm around Matt.

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