I went into her room through the window. She was lying peacefully on her small bed. I went near her and bent to her level, I gently caressed her cheek and growled "Mine".
I tucked her hair behind her ear and...
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After having lunch and studying a bit in the library and continuing my day which went into a blur time has come to go to work. So, I exited the d school and walked to my workplace. I went inside and waited for the customer to arrive. And when someone did I looked up and saw the same boy from yesterday. He was hugely smiling at me and I swear my heart skipped a beat.
"Hey, there." He smiled and said.
"Hi" I replied. Trying not to look excited which I apparently was.
"What flavor would you like to suggest today for me to try?" He asked.
I thought for a while and asked
"What is your favorite flavor?" I think I heard him say 'your scent' which was so low that I think I just imagined it.
"Any flavor would be nice," he said.
"How about coconut?"
I saw him scrunch his nose for few seconds in distaste but he answered "Yes, it would be fine" I nodded and put 2 scoops of coconut ice cream on a cone and handed him.
"Hey. Why don't you join me? There is hardly any customer today." He asked with a little smirk.
"No. I'm fine," I said almost immediately.
"Please," He said in a pleading voice. I thought for a while and decided to give it a try and nodded. He smiled hugely and I smiled back.
"Why don't you take ice cream for yourself too?" He suggested. I obliged as I haven't eaten ice cream for a long time. I took the same flavor. Then we both sat down on the booth near the window. We both sat in silence and ate ice cream.
"So what's your name? I'm Eros Kings" he introduced himself.
"I'm Amelia Queens" I replied while tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear that escaped my loose ponytail.
"Amelia," he said softly as if trying to know how it sounded. Just by him saying my name made my body react and to be precise my heart. My name wasn't anything special but the way he said with so much care and so softly that it made my name sounded completely different, something special.
"What would you like to become Amelia?" He asked after few seconds.
Should I tell him the truth about what I wanted to be but I couldn't? I don't know why but I decided to tell him the truth. "I want to become an artist."
"Oh wow. I cannot draw to save my life." He joked and continued "I would like to see some of your drawings then," he said with a glint of pride in his eyes. It made me confuse why would he be proud if I become one but I let it pass.
"And what about you. What are you doing?" I asked.
"I'm handling my family business," he said but it looked as if he wanted to say something else.
"You are Mason's brother, right?" I questioned him.
"Yes. Do you have any siblings?"
"No. I am a single child" I replied in a sad tone I always wanted a little sister.
He sensed my sadness and changed the subject. We talked for about half an hour. I came to know his favorite color, food, and some of his childhood memories. He has one more sibling who is his little sister and I told him how much I wanted to have one. He promised to make me meet her. It didn't feel like I was talking to a stranger it felt as if I knew him completely, as if we have been friends for years. But more importantly, it felt right.
His phone started ringing. He picked it up. While listening, his jaw clenched and unclenched. He looked angry and sad. He answered 'okay, I'm coming' After listening he had to go made me sad and unconsciously a frown appeared on my face. He ended the call and looked at me after seeing my frown he became angrier and his green eyes became darker while my eyes widened. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths and his eyes came back to his original beautiful greens.
"Sorry. I have to go" he said with a frown like even he didn't want to leave.
"Okay" I said in a small voice.
"I'll see you tomorrow," he said.
"Okay, see you. Bye" I said with a small smile, thinking of meeting him again tomorrow made me smile.
"Bye. Take care" he said and it looked he wanted to hug me but controlling himself at the last moment by making a fist with his fingers. He waved and left. I frowned. That was the most I have talked for smiled for years. I waited for customers and did my work before going back home. I noticed that he wasn't in the house much often these days and I couldn't be happier as I don't have any more bruises. I ate and went to sleep.
Heya, lovelies!
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