36. A Jealous Eros

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I swept my arms on the bed hopingto feel Eros' body warmth but all I got was cold sheets

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I swept my arms on the bed hoping
to feel Eros' body warmth but all I got was cold sheets. My eyebrows furrowed and I finally opened my eyes and saw I was alone in a room with no trace of Eros. I couldn't help but frown a little.

'He might be busy' Selene reminded me when I was still frowning.

'Yes, he might be' I agreed and tried to brighten my mood. In that hopes, I got up and got ready for the day.

I walked down and an elderly woman greeted me and asked in a worried tone "Are you doing okay now, dear?" I think she was talking about how yesterday when I was screaming in pain. Still can't believe so much happened in just one day, my birthday party, my first shift, my first run. Everything still seems so unreal and surreal.

"Yes, I am. Thank you" she smiled in reply and so did I. And then I started walking towards the kitchen. It was empty apart from a boy who was around my age.

When he saw me, he smirked but it is wasn't an evil one rather a mischievous and bow down before said "Luna"

I smiled a bit and a part of me died which was hoping that Eros would be here waiting for me.

"Hello," I replied.

I started fixing breakfast for myself. And that boy was staring at me intently.

I asked "Would you like some?" as I saw he was looking at my pancakes in a hungry way. He nodded eagerly and said "Yes, please" I nodded to myself and started making pancakes for him too.

"You make these so good," he said with a little moan in delight.

I chuckled and thanked him.

"By the way, I still don't know your name?"

He smirked mischievously and said "Now why would you like to know my name. Huh?" he fake gasped and continued "No, no don't think anything dirty to do with me, I AM SAVING MYSELF FOR MY MATE!" he shrieked the last sentence which sounded like a dying walrus.

And so I couldn't stop myself and doubled over in laughter. And then said "Okay I don't want to know. Geez, chill woman" I teased him and did a mock surrender with trying not to laugh at his horrified face.

"I. Am. Not. A. Woman, woman! I am a man" he said firmly. I nodded in a way that said that I didn't believe him, "Oh so you want proof wait I'll show you proof" he said and he started to open the button of his jeans.

I covered my eyes and yelled "No need to show me, I know you are a man. Don't show me. I was just joking" I said it in between laughs.

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