39. Drunk Diaries

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Oh my god. Oh my god. I am back, finally. I fucking missed you all so much. And get ready cuz new chapters would be uploaded daily (hopefully!) Now on with the chapter.
And then the Ferris wheel stopped and almost mechanically I got up and walked out. The only thought in my mind was he loved me and did I? Yes, I had pretty strong feelings for him but would it be labeled as 'love'? I haven't experienced love for many years. The last time I was loved was my mum and the one who was supposed to be my hero apparently became an evil villain in my life, my father. So how could I know what love is?

By the look on my face, I guess Eros understood and said "I didn't tell you so you could overthink or be forced to say the same. I told you what I feel genuinely for you. And you are NOT obliged to say the same unless you want to. Okay, Amelia? I love you, more than you could ever think. And it's absolutely okay if you don't feel the same yet." And then he kissed my temple gently. I smiled softly at him. And he smiled back.

I nodded and wrapped my arms around him tightly which he responded by wrapping his arms and held me close to his body. I closed my eyes and relished the feeling.

Then the rest of the ride was pretty uneventful. We talked and enjoyed each other's company.

The routine of the next few days was the same he would leave home early and come back late but he would make sure he spends some time with me too. I don't know what is making him so busy but I guess it is important as he is putting so much of time and work.

Macy saw how alone I felt so one day she approached me and said "Let's go. We would be going to a club today. And no, you cannot say no. "

I was about to say that I don't want to go but she didn't budge so at last I obliged her and got ready for the club.

I dressed in a dress that covered me like a glove with cold shoulders and reaches my knee. And my blonde hairs were open in their natural straightness. My face was covered in mascara, eye lined with eyeliner, and red lipstick.

Macy was wearing a black dress and she makes up was similar to mine. And together we went to the club.

At first, I started to feel very much out of place. I haven't been to a club before. But slowly I relaxed and danced.

We both were tipsy and shaking our hips to the beats. We both screamed in joy when our favorite song turned up.

After an hour of dancing and drinks, we both were drunk.

"You kn-knoww you a-are my best fry-friend" I managed to say in between hiccups.

"Aww, You are al-also my best frienndddd" Macy replied with stretching the 'end' in a friend. And threw herself on me. I almost fell down to catch her but somehow managed it.

And we both erupted into laughter.

"Macyyy, I want that" I whined.


"That. Brown sweet thing which tastes sweet. And it is the best thing to eat. I want that. I forgot what it is called! "I whined.

"You mean chocolate?"

"Yes, chock-late. Do you have that?"

"No. I don't have." she frowned.

"Macy, you know Eros. He is not giving me time. Always- always work-working. I want him. Doesn't he want me?" I almost started crying.

She just hugged me tightly and said "Fuck him. We both are now going to enjoy it. And get drrrrunkk" she slurred. And got us some more alcohol. I just gulped the whole thing and started laughing. She joined me.

I started to scream "I am happy. Look I am so happy." And started laughing again.

A guy approached us, I think I had seen him somewhere before. He looks familiar but I cannot see properly. His face is blurred.

"Macy and Amelia. What are you doing over here?" he said angrily.

Macy answered "Go away. Brenny. Let us get dr-drunk"

The Brenny guy growled and said"No. Enough. Let's go" and grabbed both of our arms and dragged us while we laughed and screamed simultaneously.

Later I was seated inside a car and Macy and Brenny were seated ahead in shotgun and driver's seat.

Macy and I started to sing all of sudden. Brenny tried to stop us but we kept singing at top of our lungs. I am sure we were mixing many songs together.

I don't know exactly when but I slumbered to sleep.

She didn't even tell me where she was going

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She didn't even tell me where she was going. I got so worried about her. Damn. When I came and saw she wasn't home. I thought that he took her.

I was about to give up and let it take control. Luckily, Bren told me that Macy had gone to the club and most probably Amelia would be with her.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a car is being parked and knowing that Bren brought Amelia and Macy back, I rushed out.

I was greeted with a peacefully sleeping Amelia and all my anger vanished in thin air. The power this girl had over me is unbelievable. I shook my head gently and took her in my arms, Bren did the same with Macy and then greeted me good night which I replied with the same.

As I was walking towards our room, Amelia's arms wrapped around my neck. And snuggled closer to my chest and breathed deeply. I looked down at her and smiled softly. My Sleeping Beauty.

I gently laid her down on the bed and kissed her forehead. As I was about to get up she grabbed my hand and said gently "Eros. Don't leave me. I don't know what I did which made you distanced from me but don't leave me. I wish I could know what you are hiding. I- I" and then she stopped.

I wish I could tell you what I am going through. But I am scared that if you know about it you will get scared of me. And I couldn't blame you, it is in me, and no matter how hard I try to lose him. I can't. I can't. But I cannot see you in this state anymore and I am tired of hiding it. Tomorrow I'll come clean. I'll tell you everything. I promise to myself.

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