11. His Girlfriend

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Then after our little moment of realization, he drove me to my so-called 'home'

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Then after our little moment of realization, he drove me to my so-called 'home'. I was tired from all the drama that happened today so I wanted to just go in my room and lay down but before that, I need to make dinner for him so forcing my body, I started making dinner and kept it and then went to sleep. But unfortunately,y my mind didn't stop and the thoughts of being at least being liked by someone made me happy. A guy like Eros who could have any girl in this world before a blink of an eye by just his appearance and his nature, his personality is better than his looks so he can have any girl in the whole world. But he likes me. A girl who doesn't how know to stay happy, who is abused by her father, who is worthless. Eros likes a girl like me which is so hard to believe that my mind said it was a lie but I still couldn't keep the smile from my face. I'm selfish knowing that it could most probably be some sort of lie or game but I still want to be happy even for a few minutes. So I believed it and with these thoughts that I was actually liked by someone, I slept.

( Tuesday )

I went to the diner and started doing my job. I don't know why but I keep looking at the door of the diner. The whole time I keep glancing at the door I even tried not to but couldn't help as my eyes wander over there once in a while. After the day ended I frowned.
Eros didn't come today...
Wait did I just think that. Why was I acting like this? So what he didn't come it's not his job to come to meet me every day then why did it make me sad. I shook it off. And my way back to the house. I made dinner and went to sleep with a frown.

( Friday)

It's been three days and no sign of Eros and even Mason was not present in the school. What is happening? Are they all alright, I thought. Hopefully.

I walked into the ice cream center and took my usual place and started working. I was working when suddenly a pair of fastened steps approached me I looked up and saw Relief flooding through Eros' face. Then he noticed me looking at him and gave me a smile and embraced me in his arms. I hugged him back immediately as if it was almost involuntary. We hugged each other for a while. Then he pulled back and said

"Hey. How are you? You aren't hurt, right? And I'm so sorry I didn't get to visit you." he said with an apologetic face. I smiled in return.

"Hey. I'm fine. And it's absolutely okay, you can't visit me regularly, you got your own work. Nobody would be and so would you even though I want you to see you every day but it can't be possible. You look so just, so perfect? And look at me I look nothing compared to you." I stated. And then saw his eyes were wide with many emotions curious, surprise, happiness, and was it, love? Then I blinked and blinked and let it settle what have I just said. And then my eyes were the size of saucers. What did I just say? God! I'm so stupid. What was the need to rant all this stuff and want to see him every day and I practically just called him perfect, why did I just said that. My cheeks burned in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. I didn't know what was I talking about. I'm just so stupid. I'm sorry" I looked down and bit my lip. A finger gently lift my chin up and made me stare at Eros. He looked at my lip which I was still biting. His eyes became a darker shade. And then he growled lowly and then smashed his lips with mine. His both hands gently caressed my face and my eyes wide open, It took me a good few seconds to respond him back. So I closed my eyes and put my arms behind his neck and started kissing him back. He then growled lowly and then grabbed my waist by one hand and the other was still caressing my cheek. His lips were soft and so sweet, he moved his lips hungrily and I tried to match his pace. Both our lips moved in sync. I don't think I would get enough of his addictive lips. We both kissed for a few more seconds and I pulled back and looked at him. His face showed happiness and satisfaction.

"You don't know how long I've been wanting to that." He said with a huge smile. I blushed and smiled in return.

He then hugged me and I hugged him back. He whispered in my ears.
"I wanted to this to be more special but I cannot wait any longer" and then pulled back.

He stared in my eyes and said, "Would you Amelia Queens please agree to become my girlfriend and make me the happiest man alive?"

I blinked and again and again. Did he just ask me to be his girlfriend? He really wanted me I looked in his eyes and it showed honesty and longing. Did I want to become his girlfriend? Am I good enough? What if this all is a game? I just don't want to get hurt. But I like him so much. Maybe I should give him a chance.

"It's okay. If you don't want to. I'm sorry. Forget this happened" he said with sadness and almost heartbroken and started walking away from me. I pulled his arm and looked into his eyes and said truthfully. "I would love to become your girlfriend, Eros Kings" and then kissed him. He kissed me back almost immediately. This kiss was different from the previous ones as gentler and softer. And then we pulled back by the sound of claps. I looked around and saw everyone clapping and some saying 'aww' or wolf-whistling. I blushed and hid my face in Eros's chest. He chuckled and his chest vibrated because of it and I snuggled into it. This is definitely the best day of my life yet. Now I have a boyfriend like Eros and I'm his girlfriend.

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