15. Mi Amor

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***Dedicated to all those readers who vote and comment on my chapters and especially on the Author's Note before. To say in the least you just made my day. So Thankyouu so much. This chapter is dedicated to all those lovely people!! ***

 This chapter is dedicated to all those lovely people!! ***

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After that moment. Eros dropped me back at my house. He was surprisingly very quiet but he would steal occasional glances at me. I asked him about it but he said 'Nothing just thinking' and then I kept my mouth shut. And the ride to my house was very quiet. We reached and I sighed in relief when I saw that the driveway was empty which means he was not home yet. I got out of the car and was about to go when I heard Eros calling me. 

"Yes," I turned and answered. But he just gathered me in his arms and kissed me passionately. After we pulled back I looked him in confusion.

"I just had to do that, Mi AmorI'm not angry at you. I'm angry at the person that did this to you. I'm also sad that you haven't trusted me enough to tell me about that." I tried to correct him that it is not the reason but he stopped me by saying "But that doesn't mean it would never be. One day you yourself will tell me about it. I'm sure about that but till that time, I want you to be careful of whoever is doing this to you. Promise me!" After he finished I was pretty emotional. The way he understands me and respects me is beyond anything I have ever seen. The only time I had seen this kind of respect and understanding was from my mom before she died.

I looked at him and wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and sniffed my neck. After a few seconds we pulled back and I looked into his beautiful forest green colored eyes. I stood on my toes and pecked him on lips.

"Bye, Eros. Will you come tomorrow to meet me?" I asked him shyly.

"Bye, Sweetheart. Of course, I would come tomorrow to meet you" he replied with his bright smile.

And then I walked back to my house and he stayed until I reached and closed the door.

After a few minutes, the door opened and I looked and saw that he came while I was making dinner for him.

"What are you making today bitch? " he sneered.

"I-am ma-making Spag-spaghetti with meat ball-balls "I stammered quietly.

"Fine. It should be ready in maximum 15 minutes otherwise today you would get some good punishment" he said and went back to his room.

I hurriedly made everything and fortunately, it got ready within 15 minutes. I served in a dish and covered it. And then walked to his room's door and knocked it.

"Sir, dinner is ready," I said after he yelled 'What'. I wasn't allowed to enter his room and stupidly one day I entered when he was out and the after-effects were severely broken ribs, concussion in the head, bruises decorating my face, and much more. It was 2 years back and from that time I haven't gone into his room and listened to whatever he has to say otherwise I would have to see my body the same way I did two years back.

I shook my head and tried to forget that horrible experience and then walked into my room and lay down while thinking about Eros which welcomed some good sleep.


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I need a run. I thought and my wolf agreed with me. I parked my car in the forest near her house and shifted into my reddish-brown huge wolf. The anger I felt when I saw that bruises, the sadness I felt when she didn't say who did that to her, the frustration of doing nothing, the sadness for being a bad mate; all these feelings were crashing into me and I used all of them in running. To run so fast that to any other wolf I would just look a brown blur but for humans, I would be invisible just a passing wind.

After hours of run, I finally went back to the packhouse. While running I decided that I would search a bit about her, I told my beautiful mate that I would wait for her to say but I cannot stop thinking about it and can't help but feel useless. So I'm going to search a bit and list people I doubt would do that to her, just so I know that she won't get hurt anymore and at the same time wait for her to tell me the person and the whole story which I know she will.

"Bren, I need you to search for people around Amelia and it should be done by tomorrow" I ordered but not in the Alpha voice.

"Yes, of course, Alpha. But what happened to our Luna? Is she alright?" Bren asked in full Beta form.

"No, she is not. Someone hit her again and she won't tell me who did that to her" I said with a sigh.

"Oh, I'm sure Eros she would tell you. Have faith brother" he said softly and patted my back, who is now in my best friend role.

"I know, I'm just hoping she would tell me soon and won't get hurt anymore. Not being able to protect her is literally killing me. I wish I could do something. I'm feeling like the worst mate anyone could have" I said while putting my head in my hands.

"You know you are not at all a bad mate. In fact, by being patient about it and controlling your anger shows how good of a mate you are. I'm actually proud of you" Macy, Bren's mate consoled me who apparently joined our conversation.

"Are you?" I asked her softly.

"Of course I am. You are a good mate. I'm sure Amelia would feel the same when she knows about us and you being her mate. She would feel lucky to have a good mate just like me, who is very lucky to have a mate like I feel having Bren in my life. Everything will be alright" she said with a smile and hugged me. I hugged her back and after pulling back, Bren hugged her from behind and kissed her cheek and whispered to her softly.

"Thank you, Macy, I really need to hear it," I said to her honestly with gratitude. She smiled in return. And then she and Bren left me alone in my office.

I would be a good mate. I'm gonna find out who hurt you my Amelia and that person would be punished and then no one could bring sadness to your life my Queen, Mi Amor.

Question of the chapter: Which city and country do you live in?

I live in Mumbai, India. Where do you live comment below and share it with me!

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