Goodbye Asshole.

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I gasp sitting up in bed panting with sweat glistening on my forehead. Those eye's. They've haunted my dreams ever since that night thirteen years ago. After Aaron had gotten us far enough away from the small town we spent are childhood in, he called a taxi that we took into London. Once we got there we walked for hours trying to find the mans house that my mother had told Aaron to go to. When we finally got there, the man welcomed us in and showed us our room's. A little boy my age had come in to my room while I was crying. He had hugged me but when I pulled away and smiled at him he stuck his tongue out at me and stomped out of my room. Even back then he was a jerk; I now know that jerk as Harry. Harry Styles that is.

See I don't really care for Harry. He's obnoxious, rude, egotistic, and just an ass in general. And what makes it even worse is that my brother made him my personal babysitter. Whenever Aaron is home he acts like I'm a piece of glass. Hell, he wont even let me help cook or carry anything, it's kinda ridiculous. So he leaves me in Harry's care. It's so stupid though because Harry and I are almost the same age, he might be a month or two older than me, but still! Even though he's an asshole he's probably the hottest guy I've ever seen. Which isn't saying very much since I haven't left this house since the day we came here. But nether to less he's attractive and he's a lot taller than me considering I'm only five' two. He has dark brown curls that are unruly in a funny, cute way. He has beautiful emerald green eyes that sparkle when he smiles and little dimples that carve into his cheeks as well. His shoulders are vary strong they can probably break trough any door. I know that from experience, I've locked myself in rooms trying to sneak out of the windows to escape this house.

They think I'll get hurt or killed or that I won't come back. Which is ridiculous because  all I want to do is see London. But their right, I wouldn't come back. There's so many adventures waiting to happen, so many surprises. I just want to go and explore the world to see what it's like out there. I've heard stories on the TV about far away places and new bizarre things being discovered every day. I want to be the one out there discovering new things. I wanna sail oceans and study cultures and religions, I want to meet people and hear their stories. I want to see Egypt, China and America, Australia, Brazil, Italy. Everywhere. I want to trek across ice glaciers and I want to climb mountains, I want to cross deserts and learn languages and study In the Himalayas with monks. I want to speak with people and learn about their lives. I want to see different  and unique  animals up close. No barrier between us. I want to be connected with the earth to be so close with are world. To spend days in the jungle learning of mother nature and all her creatures. I want to go to the bottom of the ocean and see sharks, squids and whales. I wanna live a life of danger and excitement. Most of all I want to make friends and fall in Love. But they all say that it's dangerous and I could get hurt. I'm always told that if 'The men' find me ill be dead. But what am I living for then? If I'm always cooped up in this house what will I leave behind?  A life of regret and longing? If I always stay here until I die all I'll have to leave behind is that I wasn't murdered by a brutal gang that the real world has no clue about. I don't want to just survive I wanna live. Today is the day that I'll start living. Today is the day I'm running away.

I roll out of bed and get dressed in some shorts and a t-shirt. I brush my hair and teeth before lacing up my favorite boots and walking out my bedroom door. Harry's door is closed but I doubt he's actually asleep. I sit down on the banister and slide down to the bottom. Walking past the living room I see Harry crouched down behind the couch waiting for me to try and sneak out. And of course his stupid smirk joined him. Dose Harry think I'm that stupid? I chuckle and walk back to the stairs.

"What are you doing?" Harry's deep rough voice stops me. I roll my eyes and turn to him.

"Are you going to be an asshole today? Because I really don't have any time for your shit," I say calmly questioning him.  His jaw tightens and a vein in his neck starts throbbing. "Oh and by the way I'm leaving today. And you'll be to busy throwing a tantrum to catch me." I groan as he shoves me up aginst the wall his minty breath fanning over my face.

"Sweetheart, I wouldn't test me today." he seethes, his face inch's from mine as I cringe from the nickname. "And don't even try sneaking out. Your terrible at it and its just embarrassing and depressing." He smirks placing his hand on my cheek. Ok look down and frown. "You get hurt way to often to be on your own and I hope you'll realize that one of the most deadly gangs in the world wants you dead. And the only way you'll live past twenty is if you stay in this house. You need to realize your life is on the line." Harry's voice is soft now and his eyes are pleading with me to stop trying. Too bad Harry, I'll never stop trying to live my life. I look into his eyes and will myself to cry. All part of the plan. He wipes the tears from under my eyes and pulls me into a tight hug. "Hey, It's ok love calm down." he says wiping more tears from my cheeks. He feel's my forehead and his eyes widen. "You should get to bed your a bit warm." He says pushing me toward the stairs. "I'll be up in a minute."

I walk slowly up and once I'm in my room my smile widens. Walking around my room I gather things I'll need placing them in my bag. I'm so excited, for the first time in thirteen years I'll be able to feel the breeze. My life is going to start today. The pounding in my head is killing me and my heads spinning. Maybe I should sit down... I walk towards my bed but my legs give out from underneath me. I drop to the floor with a thump my eyes shutting. Next thing I know I'm in my bed and Harry's pacing the floor in front of me. His signature scowl is prominent and his fists are clenched at his side.Typical. I roll my eyes and stand up walking out the door. Damn, my ankle hurts. As I get to the stairs Harry's  arm wraps around my waist throwing me over his shoulder. He carries me back into my room and gently sets me onto the bed.

"What the hell is wrong with you Rose!?" Harry screeches starting to pull his hair as he paces again. "You just collapsed and you get up like nothing just happened. Are you alright? What hurts? Are you bleeding? Do you think something's broke-"

"Harry I'm fine. My ankle just hurts a little." I interrupt rolling my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." he stops pacing to look at me sternly. "Why did you collapse? When was the last time you ate?" He asks siting on the edge of the bed.

"I don't know. I think I had an apple for breakfast yesterday. I'm not sure" I shrug nonchalantly.

"Yesterday!" Harry explodes standing again. "See this is exactly why you cant leave here! You cant even keep from getting hurt or collapsing. Shall we list your ailments this morning? You have a fever in the middle of summer, You hurt your ankle and you haven't eaten since yesterday. And you've only been up for fifteen minutes!" Harry shouts his brow furrowing as he charges for the door. He turns to me before he leaves. "Don't move Rose I mean it." Harry commands while I roll my eyes. Again.

Once Harry is gone I set my plan into action. Goodbye asshole.



If your reading this I love you and your amazing I just did this story for fun I didn't edit this chapter so sorry for mistakes tell me what you think rose is planning ;)

bye cuppycakes ^+^

Song of chapter ->

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