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Eventually we made it to our hotel, a fancy Ritz Carlton a block from Times Square. Rose, the boys and I are all sharing a suite. Rose complained for half an hour because she wanted to stay with Dede but she eventually got over it. She’s still pouting though. Our suite comes with three bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen also a huge bathroom. We’re currently waiting for Zayn and Liam to get back form a security check. There finding escape routes in case of an ambush and checking the layout of the hotel. We’re being really careful here since ‘The men’ have a main base here in the city. We’re going to take Rose for a little sight-seeing around the city. She hasn’t sat down since we got here, and won’t stop asking when we’re leaving.

“Harry!” Rose squeals running into the kitchen where Louis, Niall and I are hanging out. She runs up to me and pulls on my sleeve trying to get me to follow her. I sigh but let her lead me into the bedroom. She lets go of my hand and runs to the window. “Look over there! Do you see that sign?” She points off into the distance I walk up to her and look out the window.

“What sign?” I ask looking over the many advertisements in Times Square.

“The little one down there. See what it says?” She points again down to the street. I look over the street trying to find what she’s talking about. “You’re hopeless Harry. It says ‘Broadway’. I wanna go their tonight and see a show!” I roll my eyes at her she was obsessed with Broadway and any musical that had ever been performed there.

“Ok, ok, we’ll have to leave soon so we can get tickets. What should we see?” I ask pulling her away from the window and shutting the curtains.

“Chicago!” She shouts running out of the room. I follow her into the kitchen where all the boys are now standing talking. “You guys are gonna love this it’s gonna be amazing! I’m so excited! What if we get to meet the cast? What if they let us back stage? Oh Harry can we get front row seats? We have to dress nice too this is a-“ She was interrupted by Liam’s hand  covering her mouth.

 “Why don’t you go get dressed love?” Liam chuckles at her she races off into her room where her bags of cloths are. We had them packed and shipped to us last night so we could have everything we need.

“How’d the check go?” I ask Liam and Zayn once she shuts her door.

“It’s all ready. The back exits are the safest way to get out in an emergency. And there’s a staircase that leads to an employee exit onto the street.” I nod and we go to our rooms where our bags are. So we all went and changed into some nicer, fancier clothes.


“Rose! Lets go!” I knock on her door waiting for her to open it. She’s been in there for over an hour. She’s probably still fretting over her appearance. Maybe fixing her hair for the tenth time. I rolled my eyes when she called out for the hundredth time ‘One second!’. I walked back over to the boys who were also, more patiently, waiting on Rose so we could go. She’s taking her god damn time in there. I look over at the boys who are starring at something behind me with their jaws dropped. I turn around to see Rose draped in dark silk, her lips painted a dark shade of red. She looked hot.

“Does it look okay?” she asked flattening out the front of the dress.

“You look amazing Rosie!” Niall smiles taking her arm and escorting her to the door, making my jaw clench. We walk out the hotel door and take the elevator down. I look over at Rose to see her fixing Zayn’s tie.

“Rose.” I say catching her attention, she looks over at me and nod my head over to my side. She smiles and walks over. The elevator stops and the boys pile out, Rose looks up at me and gives me a cheeky smile.

“Will you escort me my good sir?” I chuckle and take her arm into the crook of my elbow leading her out into the cold night air. We wait a moment before our limo pulls up. We pile in and start are short ride to the theater.

“What are we seeing again?” Louis asks looking over at Rose. She smiles really wide and tells him ‘Chiacgo’. Niall looks up and groans

“Is that the one you made me and Li watch with you?” She shakes her head really hard a million times her smile growing. “I don’t like that one.” He huffs.

“It’s amazing!” She counters back sticking her tongue out at him which he dose right back.

“Hey would you two stop were here.” I say pointing out the window where Rose immediately turns to look out. She looks so elegant siting there in that dress all fancy, her eyes shining looking at the lights.

She’s beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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