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He’s in prison.” I say staring right into her eyes. She sits and stares strait back, not staying a word. “Rose?” I ask tentatively. She finally reacts and I see it hit her like a freight train. Her eyes widen and her draw drops. Now I wish I hadn’t of told her. But she deserves to know.

“No. No, no, no!” She shouts. She sits up and grasps my hands tightly. She looks at me pleadingly as her eyes start to water. “Please tell me this is some sick twisted joke! I won’t even be mad, please Harry.” She begs me the tears falling down her cheeks. I sigh and bring my hand up to her cheek, wiping away a few tears.

“I’m so sorry Rosie.” I shake my head at her softly. Her lips part and she chokes on air holding in her cries. She shakes her head repeatedly as the tears roll down her face silently, she wraps her arms around herself trying to protect herself from the stares of the other passengers. She looks up at me through her tears and sniffles. I take that as my cue. I pull her onto my lap and she wraps her arms around my neck tightly, clinging to me as if her life depended on it. She cries silently into my shoulder, letting out the occasional sniffle. I rub her back kiss her forehead, trying to comfort her. An air hostess walks up to our seats and without a word sets a tissue packet on the seat next to me. I silently thank her and she smiles softly at me and nods. I grab a tissue and tilt Rose’s head up so she’s looking at me. She sniffles and I wipe the tears from her cheeks with the soft tissue. I pull another one out and rub it under her nose making her blush. I smile softly at her and she returns the favor. I don’t mind wiping her nose, I’d do anything to make her feel better. And it makes me feel close to her, not to mention our position.  I love holding her. And the way she looked at me, she was practically begging me to hold her! I just want to hold her, call her mine and just kiss her all day. God, I sound like a girl. She has me completely smitten.

Harry?” She asks. I look down at her and she’s stopped crying and is cuddling into me. “Will you tell me what happened?” She asks placing her hand on my chest. I run my hand through her hair softly and smile sadly at her.

“Your brother isn’t who you think he is.” I sigh looking away from her and out the window. How am I gonna tell her this?  She touches my cheek turning my face back to hers, she nods softly urging me to continue. “In order for you to be safe… Aaron, he- well he had to do some things Rose. He made choices that revolved around protecting you. And some of those things were illegal.” She looks up at me confused. “A week ago a man was following Aaron home. The man’s car followed him to the grocery store. They both got out and Aaron saw the tattoo.”

“What tattoo?” Rosie asks her face twisting in confusion. I let a breath out and set my face in a hard line keeping my emotions in.

“Well, ’The Men’ all have a small tattoo of a diamond next to their left eye. Aaron saw the tattoo whipped out his gun and shot the bastard. Well, all was good until they found out. Yesterday they tipped off the cops and they arrested him. He’s been charged with second degree murder. But he’s decided to plead insanity. Which is fucking crazy as it is, but he’ll be able to get less time in an insane asylum than in prison.” She flinches from my language and I smile at her cuteness. Aaron used to always hit the back of my head every time I’d curse around her. “He’s gonna be ok Rose. He’ll be gone for around three years but compared to what he’d get if he went to prison, its nothing.” I tell her still rubbing her back. She looks down and nods softly.

“That’s not so bad. While he’s there I can do my own time outside of my prison.” She smiles jokingly up at me. I laugh softly at her lightened mood. She taking this better than I thought she would. “I’m gonna miss him though, although I would have missed him anyway since I was going to go away.” She smirks at me. I raise an eyebrow at her and she bites her lip. Oh god. Looking at her doing that sends a shock wave trough me. Electric.

Wanna try it again? You wouldn’t get past your bed.” I smirk back at her. She giggles at me, she looks at me differently now. She’s less guarded around me and she’s sweeter to me.

“Touché Mr. Styles.” She giggles again this time it’s interrupted by a big yawn. Creating a little crease between her eyebrows as she shuts and scrunches up her eyes. She is fucking adorable. She shakes her head smiling lazily back up at me her eyes half shut.

“I think it’s time you went to sleep. It’s nearly two in the morning and you need your rest.” She nods and blushes realizing she’s still in my arms. She gets up to move. I panic, I dont want this to end! So I pull her back down. “No. Please stay with me.” I say pleading with her. Her lips part and she slowly blinks at me. I feel the electricity between us again, it’s like its pulling us together. She searches my eyes looking for something. She relaxes back into my lap and nods slowly.

“Okay.” She lays back against my shoulder, nuzzling her face into the crook of my neck. She lays one of her hands on my chest the other finds its way to my jaw and she softly drags her hand across the stubble. “You’re not as bad as I’ve made you out to be. Thank you Harry.” Her eyes softly shut, her hand dropping down to her lap. Within seconds her breathing steadies and she’s fast asleep. What was she thanking me for? Not being mad? Telling her about Aaron? Or was it because I came with her? I let it slip from my mind as sleep slowly takes over.


I wake to see Rose still lying on me still. She moved though, she now has a leg on both sides of my lap and her arms wrapped around my neck. Looking at her like this cuddled into me, her soft breaths fanning my neck, it makes me so happy. I’m using this to distract me from how pissed off I am. She put herself in a danger today, serious danger. If we hadn’t of shown up there who knows what they would have done to her. I also feel a strange sense of pride though, she performed at the fucking O2 arena. God, she’s amazing. Perfect really does exist and it’s the beauty in my arms. She shifts lightly and cuddles more into me, I look down to see goose bumps up and down her arms. She’s cold. I look around for the hostess and she’s a few rows back handing out warm blankets. I wait patiently for her to arrive to our row and when she dose I nod to her putting a finger to my lips to signal not to talk. She smiles and hands me a warm blanket and a bottle of water. I wrap the blanket around Rose lifting her up and tucking it back around. She shifts in her sleeps and makes an odd face.

“Ugh, Harry!” She moans quietly. Oh my god. Her eyes screw closed tighter and her jaw drops and she lets out a gasp. “Oh shit, harder! Right there babe.” She murmurs softly. Holy shit, she’s having a sex dream. With me! I wonder if she’s ever dreamed of us before this. She starts to move a little bit, and before I know it her bum is moving back and forth over my crotch slowly. I feel myself hardening underneath her.

“Shit.” I curse loudly and her eyes flip open quickly ceasing her movements. She looks around confused and then she feels it. She blushes and looks up at me through her lashes biting her lip softly.

“I’m guessing I’m the reason behind,” She pauses and giggles flirtatiously. “That.”  I feel my own cheeks warming as the captain comes on over the intercom.

“Ladies and gentleman please buckle your belts and sit your tray up,” He clears his throat. “Welcome to New York City.”

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