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After looking for what felt like hours, we finally found Simmons and Grinder. Grinder said,"We got our next assignment, we are going on a five hour patrol". We restocked and started to head out. We met another patrol coming back in. They told us to watch our back. After walking about a mile or so we found some destroyed vehicles. Ballence said, " Should we check for survivors?" I replied with "no". Then Simmons chimed in and said, "Besides there either dead or gone". then we heard a horrorfing sound. The disntinct sound of a Tiger Tank. Then the whole forest beside us opened up. To my surprise no one got hit.

We were pinned down. Ack Ack was the one who heard the tank first. I motioned for Simmons. He came sprinting toward me. I said Radio, Radio.He fumbled with the radio and finally got it. He moaned, " Grinder I, I, am hit. It stings." I said, " Simmons it okay, Sid, Sid is gonna pacth you right up." I started to talk into the raidio saying this is squad 34 we are pinned down and have wounded. They said they are sending aid. Suddenly a explosion sent the radio flying out of my hand.

Grinder yelled Sid Sid Sid get over here. I ran over to him. When I got there I was greeted by a awful sight. Simmons was lieing in a pool of blood. Blood seaping through his breast pocket. I propped him up. He was in bad shape. If he didn't get to a hospital soon he was not going dto make it. I started applying the tournincit when I noticed Grinder was hit as well. He wasn't as bad a Simmons though. Ballence and Ack Ack kept yelling hurry up we are being over run. I had to yell back if I go to fast Simmons will die. I tore off Simmons shirt and started cleaning the wound.

The pressure was intense. Simmons and Grinder were hit. Sid was trying to save Simmons. I was running out of ammo. Me and Ack Ack couldn't hold them off much longer. The Germans were overrunning us. We just couldn't hold. I was down to my pistol.

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