Goodbye, 13th squad

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Merry Christmas!  Here's your gift from me! 

Chaos felt like someone just threw a whole planet on her head. She's dazed, and doesn't remember what had just happened. It's basically like a hangover that she felt when she drank too much liquor.

But what really had just happened? Chaos asked herself. She knows that something is just isn't right.

Goodbye, my love...

Those words hit her, bull's eye, directly adding to the headache she's having. Who's saying goodbye? To whom is he saying goodbye?

She opened her eyes slowly, and she only saw, darkness… a never ending darkness, a darkness… that's very familiar to her. It's the place where she first met him. Who is he again? She thought.

A sudden gust of wind blew on her beautiful face, making her close her eyes instantly due to instinct. Then it stopped, she opened her eyes and became speechless, in front of her is a beautiful dragon that has the size of a small planet. She felt scared, yet she felt something inside her that's jumping with joy. She knew that she had felt that feeling. Yes, it's the first feeling that she had felt. And yes, she now remember who is the dragon…it is…Nebular.

A sudden pain strikes her head again. Something happened, and Chaos knew that that something has to do with the owner of that name.

She looked and surveyed him, it looks like he is looking at her… no, not at her, it looks like he doesn't even see her, so it's not her, but something in the back of hers. She quickly turned to where is Nebular looking at, and became shocked yet again, it's her, naked and just floating at the nothingness.

"What the…" she blurted as she blushed on the sight of her naked body. Well, it's not like she cared, she usually don't, but yet, she felt shy, knowing that Nebular is currently looking at her naked body.

Then a blinding light covered the two Chaos and Nebular, bringing a sense of déjà-vu to her. She knew that something happened with that same burst of light, she's trying to remember, but it's just…hard.

The light subsided, and there, kneeling beside the sleeping chaos, is a man on a black cloak, armor, and a mask that cover's half of his face, showing only the beautiful grey eyes that he has, that is also very familiar to Chaos.

It seems that the man's talking to her while she was sleeping, Chaos thought. Then she saw him, giving a familiar square rock to the sleeping Chaos.

Chaos smiled a bit, the rock gave her purpose, to not just float in the unending nothingness of the void. It's the blueprint that she had gathered all of the plans and ideas that she used to create her realm.

She blushed again as she watched Nebular touch her body, and no, not that part of body you lust driven bastards, just her stomach.

The golden ichor on her body heated up and rushed as she watched him slowly bend down to kiss her.


That's it! She thought. Then a huge chunk of memory hit her again.

Zephyr… Zephyr kissed her on her lips. And…and…he is saying something…

"I promise that you'll never see me again…"

"Goodbye, my love…"

"…my love…"

"…my love…"

"…my love…"

Chaos' eyes widened as the realization struck her, Zephyr…loves her. And, and he's saying… goodbye. She tried her best to squeeze her memories. Something, something happened after that, an important one.

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