Meeting The Ragon

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CHAPTER 16: Meeting the Beyonders: the Ragon country.

"Father, I had given the invitation for countless of times to the gods of the beyond in these past millennia, and with every time, they ignored, why do you think they wouldn't now?" Hermes argued to his father for the umpteenth time of this day.

Zeus had ordered him to give an invitation to the gods on the beyond, or the gods of the upper hemisphere (Alaska, North Pole, Himalayas, etc.) to come and visit Olympus. It is to create a pact of peace between them.

They are the reasons why most gods are almost powerless in that area, even the big three. Compare to the power of them, the Greek Gods would seem like a bunch of babies and toddlers.

Hermes hated it whenever his father would give him the orders to go there and deliver the message, he just doesn't like feeling like a powerless mortal, which he felt whenever he's there. He had witnessed the invisible to the non-gods, yet mighty castle of the Beyonds, on the outside, though not the inside because they never let him. Yes, he even tried to sneak in, but it's like they can read his movements, thus making him go home with a small arrow impaled on his butt.

He had only saw a glimpse of a 'beyond god', a small flicker of shadow of a man with a round shield and a huge badass spear. Though, the aura of it that slapped him is full of power and authority that he had forgotten to do whatever he need to do. It's truly frightening.

"We should still try, we cannot afford to have a dispute with them, remember the old North American gods and how they were easily and brutally defeated when they tried to deport them from their lands? I could never forget how they almost faded away because of fear. And worse, they said that only one god man did that to them." Zeus shivered at the thought of a being so powerful, that can single handedly fight a war against a whole pantheon of gods.

"Y-yes father, I am one of the gods who answered their plea for rescue." Hermes nodded, a cold shiver went out to his spine as he remembers that day. "But, I also heard that that a beautiful female approached them and apologized for what her brother did and welcome them back to their native lands, only with the promise that they will not try to attack the Beyonders. I guess that meant that they are not really evil."

"Yes, that's why I'm inviting them to Olympus, I would like to skip the bloody battle, thank you very much, and into just meeting the beautiful women-er…the Beyonders for peace." Zeus quickly said, hoping that his son didn't hear that little slip.

"Fine, father, I'll go." Hermes said. He is also curious about the woman, the old western gods said that the name of Beyonders suited her, for her beauty is also one. Her voice and tone sounds like of a loving mother, that armlywelcomes a warrior as a child after a long war.

And with that, Hermes teleported to the lands of the beyonders.

Hermes stood wearily at the base of the humongous castle door that can surely and easily fit a two hundred foot giant. He had forgotten the amount of times he stood there like a stupid person. He's still mesmerized with the beautiful carvings of twelve animals on it.

Snake, Bear, Shark, Bull, Rat (Which looks delicious as George once said), Lion, Crocodile, Scorpion, Eagle, Wolf, Orca/Killer Whale, and a Dragon.

The Sacred animals of the gods of the beyond, Hermes thought.

Hermes raised his knuckles to knock at the door-as what he always do when he's there- but a sound of someone clearing their throat appeared on his back. Hermes quickly looked on to where it came from, and as his eyes caught the form of her, his heart temporarily stopped.

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