14: Letter

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Jihyo's pov
We just finished our concert, and in two days we have another concert.
It was at the same place but with different songs.

We drove home to our hotel exhausted.

When we got home, we unpacked our stuff and toys from the fans.

We slept a few minutes after we ate.

Except i couldnt sleep,so i was laying down on the couch in the living room. I turned on the tv, soon after i fell asleep without noticing.

The next day we had rehearsal in the afternoon and we had the morning off.

We ordered some food and ate together.

Timeskip two days after

Today it was our last day here in taiwan, another successful concert was finish. It was bittersweet.

It means it would be the last time we saw Trevor.

I guess i do have a little crush on him. A little, but i knew it wouldnt be anymore than a one-sided crush.

I dont even know if he likes me, and if he did we still couldnt be together.
I lived in korea, he lives here. I was an idol and he was a director.

Ughhh i sighed. Why am i even thinking of this?

So after the concert we didnt have time to do anything else. We immediately drove home to pack and check out of hotel.

I was really upset that i didnt get a chance to say goodbye to trevor. But i can't complain because even Tzuyu didnt get to say goodbye to him, and she's his sister and im just his friend.


We drove to the airport, hurrying to catch our plane.

We entered the airport calmly, so that we dont draw attention to us. But it usually doesnt work.
It was really crowded in the airport, and there was no way out of the crowd. Luckily our flight isnt until 1:00am and it was still 10:00pm.

Everybody was pulling and pushing it was hard to see anything.

Then somebody pulled us out of the crowd and somewhere where there were no one in sight.

I looked around to see who it was, and it was Trevor.

"Thank you "i said to him.
"I know a short cut" he said.

His friends were leading Twice and our staff through a hallway. He stayed behind us to guard us from behind.

I tried slowing down so i could walk beside him.

"I had to say goodbye to you" he whispered breaking the silence.

We were getting closer to the check in and i was getting sadder.

Before we checked in. He pulled my arm and handed me a piece of paper.

He then walked towards Tzuyu. Her eyes became watery and his expression change into a sad one. All he said to her was goodbye.

I was shocked that he only said goodbye, it reminded me of his story about the first time tzuyu was leaving for Korea.

I guess he's still hurt about her leaving and he didnt want to show her what he's actually feelings.

They truly are siblings, they dont show their feelings often.

We were boarding on the plane and they were watching us through the glass wall.

He waved goodbye to us smiling. I looked over at Tzuyu and saw tears falling from her eyes.

I sat beside her on the plane. She looked out to the window wiping her tears.

"Its okay, you can cry if you want to" i told her.

"Im okay, im not crying" she replied.

We took off and headed to Thailand

The letter he gave me was still in my hands, i waited until all the members were asleep.

Then i finally opened the letter. I read it in my head.

Dear Park Jihyo,
I know we only met about like a week ago, even though its only been a week I changed. Changed alot. Before we met my heart was locked up and people often said it was locked up in a freezer. When i saw you, my cold heart melted and it became warm.
It isnt like me to write a letter like this, but it's different now.
You changed me back to my old self. As kid i had all the time in the world to hangout with my friends and family. But when i was growing up, i lost alot of people and i became a workaholic. Work was the only thing on my mind and nothing else. But it became different when i met you, you taught me that it is possible to work and still be with your family. Thank you for taking care of my stubborn sister and for loving her like your own sister. Thank you for everything.
I have many things to say to you. I usually wont say these words, But
i really like you.
I promise when i see you again, ill have the courage to say all of this in person.
- from Chou Trevor.

After reading the letter, i was about to cry. Ive never felt this before. He really does care about me.

"He likes me too" i kept repeating to myself.

We weren't official yet, but he said when we meet again, he would ask me to be his girlfriend.

I quickly hid the letter in my wallet and closed my eyes to get some rest.

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