Epilogue: Tzuyu learns the truth

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Today is tzuyu's birthday.

Everything was set and ready to go for her surprise birthday.

A huge surprise was prepared for her.

Tzuyu arrived at the venue, not knowing about anything.

Jungkook leads her to the place with a blindfold on.

He unties the blindfold from her head to reveal the surprise.

She was shocked and happy from what she saw.

Happy birthday!!!!!

Thank you for this. She replies

She sat behind a table, with a card in front of her on the table.

Before she opened the card, the lights all dimmed down and the screen began to play a slide show of all her pics.

After the slideshow, her eyes became teary.

She opens the card and she reads it as tears began to fall.

"Dear tzuyu,
I was a little hesitant to tell you this, but i think you should know the truth about me. Before you left you might've seen a cold and harsh side of me, but it was all because i didn't want you to know what i really felt about you leaving. You're my only sister, you were my best friend and i didn't want you to go, but i couldn't stop you from achieving you're own dreams. I know I've been a coward all these years for hiding the real me, but now I've gather up some courage to tell you. All these years i gave excuses not to talk to you. I focused all my time on work and forgot i had a sister who needed me. I said that i was busy and you were busy thats why i couldn't talk to you. When i found out you had new sisters to take care of you, i thought you forgot all about me and i became more upset. But deep down i was glad that someone would take care of you.
Im sorry tzuyu
-Love your coward brother

More tears were shed and after she read the note, Trevor ran to her and hugged her apologizing.

Im sorry

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