8. Please don't leave

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'I'm sorry...no no Dan don't kill me please!'
Phil ran into the lounge with a box of Dan's cereal in his hands. He jumped next to you on the sofa and tried to hide behind you, which failed because he was much taller than you.
Dan entered the room soon after, looking like he was on a killing spree - in this situation that wasn't far from the truth.

'(Y/N) help me' Phil whispered.
You closed your eyes and sighed. 'You guys are literal five year-olds.'
'Phil keeps eating my cereal and he left all the kitchen drawers and cupboards open again' Dan whined.
'No Phil.' You turned around to look at the twenty-nine year old man with a cereal problem. 'Give Dan his cereal back' you said, pointing at the box he was still clutching to his chest.
'You sound like a mum, (Y/N)' Phil giggled.
'That's because you two are so childish.'

It was Friday, somewhere around 3 in the afternoon. It was two weeks after you and Phil met, and things were going pretty well. You had finally accepted that both Phil and Dan wanted to be friends with you. It was all new to you, hanging out with two guys. Two guys who fought over cereal on a daily basis.

But you liked it.
You had missed this. You had missed having friends, having people to go to if you needed to talk, having people to do fun stuff with. And you knew two weeks was fast. Two weeks was a very short period of time when it came to becoming friends with someone, and you were still a bit freaked out by it.
It was scary how Phil had managed to become friends with you - an introvert, shy girl who hates people - so quickly. But still you liked it.

Back then, you liked it.


You were sitting on the sofa in between Dan and Phil, watching a movie. Phil picked your favorite movie, not knowing how much you liked it. So you sat there, silently fangirling.

Halfway through the film Phil had scooted closer to you, which already made you feel nervous, and then suddenly his arm was around your shoulders.
You tried to act relaxed, but in reality panic was rushing through your veins. You saw Dan smile at you from the corner of your eye, but you kept staring at the TV.
In your head you were already planning how to get out of there. You needed to get out of there.

Phil didn't seem to notice anything. His fingers drew circles on your shoulder, and it almost felt relaxing. Almost.

After a minute you had planned out how to get out unnoticed. Your keys were in the pocket of your coat, and you had your phone with you in your pocket, so you only had to get your coat - that hung on the coat rack nexr to the front door - and leave.

'I need to go to the toilet real quick' you mumbled as you stood up a bit too fast, causing your vision to get blurry for a moment.
'Do we need to pause it?' Dan asked.
'No no I'll be back in a minute.' Your voice was higher than it should've been and very shaky. Scared that they'd notice anything, you rushed out of the room and silently went down the stairs.

Why am I doing this? Stop panicking (Y/N) and think.

He likes me. I should've known. I can't...

You grabbed your coat and opened the door of their apartment, when suddenly a hand grabbed your arm.
You turned around to see Dan standing there. He looked angry, hurt.
'Where are you going?' He sounded angry and accusing.
'I...I was...' you stuttered. You knew there was no good excuse for this.
' You are not running again, (Y/N). Phil likes you, and I know you like him too.' His brown eyes stared right into your E/C ones, and he still had a tight grip on your arm. You couldn't go anywhere.
'I don't.  What are you-'
'You like him. If you didn't you wouldn't go out to drink coffee with him two times, come over to his house and cry in front of him. You feel comfortable around him now, and that's something for someone as shy and quiet and socially awkward as you. Don't deny it (Y/N), you like him.'

After Dan said this, it all clicked in your head. You did like him, and you were scared of it. You'd never felt like that before, and it was overwhelming. You didn't know what to do, and when you didn't know what to do you always ran away from the problem.
If Dan was right, if Phil really liked you, if the feeling was mutual, there was no problem to run away from, right? You'd only hurt him if you ran.

'(Y/N), I know you're scared, I can see it, but you're gonna get up there and tell him how you feel. It'll work out, I promise.'
Dan's voice was much softer now, and his look was warm and reassuring.
All you could do was nod, and he let go of your arm.
Dan waited as you  closed the door and took off your coat again.
' Dan are you sure?'
You were still panicking. What if he didn't like you? What if he saw it as just friends?
'(Y/N) I've known Phil for years, I can see it.'
He gestured for you to go up the stairs first.

When you reached the door of the lounge you could hear the sounds of the movie that was still playing.
Phil had no idea about what had happened. You were scared.
You turned around to Dan who was standing behind you.
' Dan I can't do it' you whispered, hoping Phil wouldn't hear you.
Dan just winked, then turned you back around and pushed you into the room.
Phil immediately looked up and smiled when he saw you.
' Hey  (Y/N)!' he said cheerfully.
All you could do was stand and stare. A million thoughts were going through your head, but you couldn't speak.
'Are you okay?' Phil slowly got up from the sofa and walked towards you. 'What's wrong?'

I can't do this. He doesn't like me. We've known eachother for only two weeks, how can I know I like him? Do I like him? Where's Dan? He got me into this mess, he has to get me out of it. I need to get out of here.

You turned around and started walking back to the door without saying a word, but again someone grabbed you by your arm. It was Phil this time.
'(Y/N) please don't leave.'
You slowly turned around to look at him. 'I'm sorry' was all you could say.
'I need to tell you something, (Y/N)' Phil said, pulling you with him to the sofa, making you sit down on it before doing so himself.
'(Y/N), we've only met two weeks ago, I know that. And this may sound stupid but I really really like you. From the day I met you, I knew I had to get to know you better. And I know you don't feel the same but I just wanted you to know.'

He likes me. He actually likes me.

You were suddenly filled with great happiness. All you could do was smile at him.
Phil looked confused, then smiled too.  'What is it?' he asked, still a little bit confused and insecure.

And then you said something you thought you'd never say to anyone.

'I like you too.'


Before you left that night you turned to Dan to ask him one last thing.
' Dan, how did you know I was going to leave?'
He smiled at you, dimples showing.  'I can sense social awkwardness. And knowing what you did last time, I figured I probably had to stop you.'
You laughed a bit, then said goodbye to Dan.

Phil walked outside with you. It was raining softly, and you could see the little drops as they came into the light of the streetlights for a brief moment, and then disappeared into the darkness again.
You looked at Phil and thought back at how you'd met him, on a Friday two weeks earlier, in the rain.
'We met in the rain' he muttered as if he could read your mind.
'Yeah we did.'


'I should go' you spoke.
'Okay' he replied.

He pulled you into a hug again, and you hugged him back, smiling.
'See you again tomorrow?' he asked.
'What are we gonna do then?'
'Grab a coffee?'
'Eleven AM. Got it.'

'The ship has sailed', as Dan had said.


Hello there, lovely readers!
Here's an extra long chapter for you :D See it as a belated Christmas present.

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I love you all, have a good day/night❤


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