Chapter 26

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I walked out and into my room seeing him there looking at a scrapbook... The scrapbook.

"You kept it with you?" He asked not looking up, but knowing I was there.

"Of course!" I said sitting next to him with my towel on my head. I had sweats and a t-shirt I found on the floor.

Oh well.

"Nice shirt" he said as I looked down, now realizing who's it was.

"Oh sorry" I said as he laughed a bit.

"It's fine, remember this." He said pointing to a picture of us in our clothes for prom... We didn't have dates so we went together goofing around the whole time.

"Yes I remember" I said as I thought of that day


"Mom I got it, I'm fine. I'll be fine!" I said as she worried of me not having a date.

"Ok, ok." She said as she smiled at me. She fixed my hair a bit seeing she found a little piece sticking straight out.

"Thanks" I said as she smiled.

Ok well I don't have a date, I found out he was taking someone else that he forgot about taking at the begging of the year... Yeah his ex. So I did what I needed to do, it wasn't a good relationship, I dumped his sorry little ass.

"Oh!" She said as I looked at her confused.

"What mom, what!" I said confused.

"You go with Niall!" She said picking up the phone and probably calling Niall's mom....

"Mom he has a date" I said as she shook he head and tried telling me something before she talked into the phone real quick. Ok then.

"Mom we are going to be late" I said as she smiled.

"Niall's on his way over!" She said clapping.

"Mom I'm telling you he already has a date" I said as she shook her head once again.

Does she know something I don't?

Knock, knock

I heard the door being beaten on.

"Open it Hun!" My mom said as I turned looking back a bit to my mom with a wide eyed smile.

I opened the door to Niall holding flowers and him in his tux. Awe

"Hey Niall" I said as he smoked hugging me.

"Loving the dress" he said as he twirled me around.

"I'm like the tux Niall"

"Thanks, um. These are for you... Well they were for my date but she told me she already said yes to someone else a while back..." He said handing me these gorgeous flowers.

"Really?" I said a bit surprised seeing the story sounded similar to mine.

"What" he said as I looked at my mom.

She didn't know why I didn't have a date.

"The same bing happened to me" I said as he laughed.

"Really?" He asked as I laughed.

"I think our dates dated before." Niall said I between laughs.

"I think so to" I said as I stared to chuckle seeing Niall made me do so every times started laughing.

"Pictures?" My mom said as I nodded as Niall came in from standing on the side walk.

**Flashback ends**

"That was funny how our dates dated each other." He said as I laughed

"Yeah and they fought the whole time during the dance." I said as he laughed nodding.

"I'm glad I went with you though." He said

"Why is that?" I asked as he blushed a bit looking down.

"Well that's one of the times I told myself I didn't like you but I knew i did... And I had way more fun than I would've had with her..." He said as I blushed looked down a bit smiling.

"Seriously?" I said as he grabbed my chin lifting it up.

"Yes" he said as he came nearer and placed a kiss on my lips as I giggled.

"What" he said as I laughed a bit more.

"We're really cheesy." I said as he nodded.

"Very, it seems like every time we had plans with someone else we needed up handing out." He said as I nodded.

"Like fate made us be together?" I said as he nodded.

"I think so." He said before leaning in for another, this one feeling different then the one moments ago. I kissed back feeling my lips match his perfectly.

I do believe we were made for each other but people and things got in the way.

"Let's go out!" He said grabbing my hand

"What?" I asked

"I want to take you out... Ohh you end to get ready dress casual I guess..." He said as I smiled.

"Ok?" I said laughing a bit seeing his little spark of an idea come on.

"Come out what your ready" he said kissing me before running out of the door leaving me confused but then rushed seeing he wanted to go now.

"This is why... I- i " what am I trying to say?


Not yet.

Maybe always though.

I love him?


Sorry for the wait, had to get over the sucked and I'm still recovering. So I updated for y'all because I had time to. FINALLY!

Keep reading I might end it soon though....




-Jessi xx

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