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"Yeah, were fine we need to catch up!" I said as I spoke on the phone walking around the house.

"Really? Where you living nowadays?" She said as I smiled looking at a picture from my good days.

"Oh, umm Ireland.duh" I said as she laughed.

"I'll come visit you okay?" She said as I nodded, en realizing I needed to use words since we were on the phone... She couldn't see me.

"Yeah sure thing!" I said as she laughed. "Where you living?" I asked as she signed.

"London but we might move." She said in a un-exited voice.

"Why so un-exited?" I said as she laughed a bit.

"We've moved a lot, we can't seem to find the right place that's all." She said as I nodded.

"What about here!" I said as she laughed.

"That would be different huh?" She said as I laughed.

"Yeah" I said

"I'll tell him okay? He'll like that idea. Well I gotta go have fun and give Jacob a kiss for me!" She said as I laughed.

"Bye Haley." I said as she hung up.

I walked into Jacobs room smiling down at him sleeping in his big boy bed, he had recently got. I leaned down kissing his forehead for Haley.

Yes I had a beautiful son named Jacob, Jacob Horan.

And yes me and Niall are married.

Happily for about 4 years now, One Direction split 2 years ago after I got pregnant and when Perrie did also. The fans understood them wanting to spend more time with us and their kids. I was actually quite surprised with their reaction. They still do the Grammys every now and again. It's fun seeing Jacobs face with his dad up on that stage.

I heard the door close as I walked out of Jacobs room and walking down the hall to see Niall making coffee.

"Hey babe" he said as i smiled walking up to him.

"Hey, how's Louis?" I asked as he nodded.

"Good, they said they might come over soon. To show us little James." He said smiling.

"Good!" I said.

Yes Louis and Eleanor had a baby recently. He was always the one exited to starting a family. That's just what he did.

"How's Jacob?" He asked as I smiled.

"Good he's taking a nap" I said as he walked over to me handing me a glass of coffee.

"Thanks" I said sitting down at the counter.

"Anything for my princess" he said as I blushed.

It's crazy to think he still had this effect on me. He still could make me blush, he could still make me smiled and make the butterfly's erupt. I talk to all these mom who don't have this happen to them. I look at them like their crazy. With Niall everyday I see him walk in, I see him and it makes me think how long it took me to realize that he was the one. I would've never think he'd be the one. We shares everything together when we were younger.

And now he's here with me.

Sitting right there.

Looking at me like I'm the only on sin the world.

"I love you" he said as I smiled blushing as the butterfly's went off.

"And I love you" I said as he leaned in kissing my lips so softly.

"Daddy!" James said as I turned to see him in his little grey pants and a blue shirt, running to Niall as he scooped him in a big hug.

"Come here mommy!" Niall said as I walked over hugging them both.

This is what I wanted. This is all I ever wanted. A family whom I love, a family who I can't live without. Everyone I ever dreamed about came true.

Niall and Jacob is all I ever need now.

I love them.

And I always will.


Sorry for this ending for this for those of you who are reading.

I like it but idk it's a short chapter to end with.

Vote and Comment what you think.

As always


-jessi xx

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