1. I Hate Bellamy Blake

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"Finn was looking for you...again" Wells says with a sigh, flopping down into the seat opposite me.

I groan but say nothing, glaring at the chess board as painful memories cross my mind. I randomly move  something. Wells groans back and shoves a piece foward, knocking one of my own off the board entirely.

I sit up in shock, "how did you-" i stop, i cant be bothered with this. I look up at Wells fully now and my expression grows sad. "Are you alright?" I ask, noticing his dark eyes and drooping posture. "Is it your dad?"

"Yeah its all this work he's making me do! He wants me by his side all the time but i have classes to go to aswell! i hardly have time for anything" Wells sighs tiredly, stifling a yawn.

I feel guilty, knowing right now i am wasting his time.

"Wells you can go, i can just sit and read or go home and help out my dad-"

"No Clarke its fine i want to spend time with you" he says, perking up slightly and i smile.

"Okay" i say, about to move a piece on the chess board when the doors to the communal area slide open and in come three 'loud mouths'.

I groan "oh great".

"Did you see the look on his face?" Jasper Jordan jeers, almost crying with laughter, his goggles sat atop his head fall in front of his eyes.

"Haha yeah it was priceless" Monty Green agrees, smiling with his friend.

And right in between them stands Bellamy Blake. Where do i begin to describe him?

"Do you want to leave?" Wells asks, turning around to watch as the three boys sit down at a table.

I clench my fists into balls just looking at Bellamy. "No. I wont let him get to me, its fine" i say shortly.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Wells its fine." I pull my gaze away from Bellamy, allowing myself to relax. "He hasn't seen me, id rather him than Finn." I instantly regret saying his name, images of the incident flashing in my mind.

"Now Finn you should definitely stay away from...but he isnt going to stop asking to speak to you" Wells states and of course I know this, and just refuse to accept it.

"God i broke up with him! Nothing he says will change my mind, i dont want to talk to him or see him- oh you have to be fucking joking" just as i was speaking, the doors slid open again with a click and in walked Finn Collins.

"What?" Wells asks, shocked by my attitude. He twists around in his chair and quickly spins back. "We should go?"

"Yeah lets go, he cannot see me!" I say, nervous all of a sudden.

Bellamy on one side, Finn on the other, only one way to the door - right between them.

I start to pack up my things, as does Wells but then i am stuck to the spot.

"If i stand, one of them will see me!" I say in almost a whisper. "Or both..."

Wells looks pained for a moment then says "which one do you want to avoid more?"

I think it over but really it doesnt take much, "Finn! Definitely Finn!" I say and Wells nods, standing up.

"If i stand on your right then Finn wont see you, im tall enough for you to hide behind" he says.

I nod then glance uneasily at Bellamy who is talking to Jasper.

"If i'm quick, Bellamy wont notice me either!" I say hopefully, preparing myself to stand.

I push off from the desk and cower behind Wells so Finn wont see.

We walk quickly to the doors but it feels so far away.

Wells presses the open button when we get there and walks out. God almost free- an arm blocks my path and i step back.

Bellamy slides into my way. Crap.

My first instinct is to move further to the left so Bellamy can block me from Finn's sight. It works. The last thing i need is both of them on my back.

I see Wells behind Bellamy, about to walk back into the room but i give him a warning look, determined to deal with him on my own.

"Whats a princess like you doing in here with the common folk?" Bellamy sneers, seeming to tower above me.

"Very funny. Now get out of my way!" I say impatiently.

"Is the princess giving me an order? Do people usually do what you tell them?" Bellamy laughs, folding his arms.

"Oh Bellamy give it a rest, what do you want?" I sigh, growing agitated extremely quickly.

"Oh nothing, have you got somewhere to be? A party to go to? Wouldnt want you to be late..."

"Bellamy shut up!" I snap. He has no idea what he's talking about.

"Make me!" He says, leaning closer. Too close.

I shove him forcefully in the side and push past into the corridor, the door sliding closed behind me.

I take a moment to breathe, slightly shaky from anger.

"Oh god do you think Finn saw?" I moan, rubbing my face with my hands and pulling my hair back.

Wells nods "and i think he will be next out of those doors"

"Better get going then!"

"I could have helped you know!" Wells says as we start walking, "i could have got Bellamy off your back, he shouldnt talk to you that way"

"Wells its fine he's just a bully, i didnt need your help." I know that sounded harsh but I hate how over protective Wells can be sometimes.

God Bellamy has me all agitated. I really, truly hate him. I hate Bellamy Blake

AN: Little introductory paragraph ;)

Hope you enjoyed, please comment and rate x thanks for reading

Go check out my Instagram @the100positivity for Bellarke and the 100 edits

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