23. Medical

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The morning was quiet, I went to classes and volunteering as if nothing had happened, I gave Wells a visit but said nothing of the previous night and had lunch with my mum, trying not to raise her suspicion of my whereabouts recently.

I return to Bellamy's at the end of the day to find he has just got in from work and is just in a shirt and jeans, he looks tired.

"Bellamy, we don't have to go tonight, you know" I say cautiously, my eyes passing over him distractedly until I force mt focus strictly upon his face.

"Clarke we can't just wait around, I'm fine" He insists with an enthusiasm i didnt expect.

I agree tiredly and we get ready, when the middle of the night looms upon us, we both creep outside into the desolate ans abandoned halls of the Ark. Off to Medical we go.

I use my mums card to get in and we head to Jackson's surgery.

"Right we need to find these files" I say, getting out the profiles of murderers and victims that I took from the Councils office.

It isnt long before we find both files, the room being quite bare.

We lean over the desk and lay out the files from last night. With shaking hands i open the file we just found, filled with the profiles of murderers.

"Here!" I exclaim, "could you bring the light closer?" I ask Bellamy.

He picks up the lamp and angles it over my shoulder.

"Medication..." i say, running my finger down the file, i stop and laugh with relief, "it's not crossed out!"

"What does it say?" Bellamy asks.

"Deoxydrin" I read aloud, furrowing my eyebrows.

"What?" Bellamy asks, clueless.

"I dont know what that is! I've never heard of it!" I exclaim, confused.

I flick through the rest, all the same.

"Let me guess, all the convicted murderers were on this drug, deoxywhatever" Bellamy says darkly and i nod. He puts the lamp back but i do not move. "Does it say what it is for?"

I look again and in small print I can just make out, "For Stress and general discomfort" I say.

"That's it?" Bellamy exclaims.


I look at the files where the medication is crossed out. "Both copies of these files are signed by Kane and Jackson...Jackson's copy's are normal...so why would Kane tamper with his copy?" I ask no one in particular.

"If he wanted to hide the use of the drug?" Bellamy suggests, which makes sense obviously but it doesnt quite add up.

"What does it have to do with murderers?" I ask, when a light catches my eye.

I close the file and walk past Bellamy. "There's a light coming from this door!" I say quietly, walking to the back of the room.

"Shit do you reckon someone is in there?" Bellamy asks.

I get out my card and swipe it but the light comes up red with a beep.

"Damn it...why wont it work?" I groan.

"Clarke we should go! We have seen what we came for!" Bellamy says warningly, putting the files from the council office in his pocket.

He slides Jackson's files back onto the shelf where we found them.

I look at the locked door one last time and follow Bellamy to the exit- wait, what are those?

"Hold on one moment Bellamy" I whisper as he goes to leave.

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