11. The Garden

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"So dad...you're missing quite a lot, i mean not really but you've been in there a while... Finn actually came into my literature lesson the other day and asked if i had a moment, of course Mrs Benz, you know her, well she snapped at him, grabbed him by the ear and threw him from the classroom...it was quite funny really. Wells is busy again, with his dad. All my other friends are busy with other people...mums working double shifts, there has been a lot of outbreaks recently, shes been busy, no cases like yours though...i dont know if thats a good or bad thing... There is Bellamy, i know you know him, you might be shocked to hear me say he apologised for everything...his friend broke my jaw and Bellamy helped me...he helped me escape from the dance, ha, and i think he was actually concerned - in his own way - when he heard Finn giving me a hard time.... he's been showing a new side of himself...actually i never apologised to him, i should really..."

I sigh and look round at the large grey door and the white number 11. I picture my dad on the other side, alone. I am here dad, you cant hear me though...

It probably looks stupid to other people, me sat here talking to a door but it is the least i can do for him...

I stand up and go to the desk at the reception for the Quarantine ward.

"Excuse me, do you know if Janitor Blake is on Duty here today at all?" I ask hopefully.

The lady checks her computer, "No but he isnt far over, should be over in the 'garden' " the lady scoffs and i nod.

The 'garden' is the room where a few trees and plants are, put there and cared for by a group of people who believe they are essential for the Arks survival.

Most people dont go in there, or just forget it exists at all. I have been there a few times, its refreshing and a change of colour never hurt.

I know exactly where it is and am glad its not far.

I push the button and the door slides open with an electric woosh.

The fresh(er) air fills my nose and the door closes behind me as i enter.

The room is set with tables lining 3 walls, a few small plants are sat around, only about 5 of them. Thats all.

Bellamy is here, on the other side of the small room, watering one of the green plants. He has his back turned to me and headphones on, the wire flowing down into his trousers pocket. He has his work uniform on.

I cough, hoping he hears. He doesnt.

Umm...do i poke him? No...tap him? Just take out his headphones?

Maybe that would be more casual.... fuck it!

I approach him slowly then grab the top of the headphones, pulling them down to rest on his neck.

He turns and puts the can of water on the side, swivelling to face me.

Crap i didnt think this through! There is now about 1cm between us!

I take a casual step back and smile, slightly crookedly still, because of the right side of my jaw being incapacitated.

"Bellamy! Sorry to intterupt, i know you are working, i can come back later" i say, suddenly nervous at the sight of him.

Bellamy chuckles and folds his arms, "The princess wants to talk to me? Am i meant to feel honoured?" He says jokingly, without a hint of harshness in his tone. "Im kidding, what can i do for you?" He says, in case i hadnt caught on to the joke.

"Nothing actually, i have been thinking about you-your apology!" I stammer and Bellamy raises his eyebrows as if enjoying this but says nothing. "And i owe you one."

He kits his eyebrows together "why would you owe me one?"

"Because i misjudged you too! I reacted to your insults with insults, i thought you were just a bully but i know...thats not true" i say breathlessly, unable to hold his gaze, his dark eyes intense and beautiful?

"You had every right to think i am a bully...I meant what i said you know, I shouldnt have taken out my anger on you- the council, they floated my dad and my mums never been the same since...to me you just seemed such a connection to that memory but that was stupid...i dont see you that way anymore" he says calmly and i feel the urge to reach out to him.

"Im sorry..."

Bellamy smiles. "Stop apologising!" He laughs. "Hows your jaw?" He asks, looking at my cheek.

"Better, talking is a bit of a pain though."

"You are quite the mystery Clarke Griffin!" Bellamy chuckles out of nowhere.

"And how do you figure that?" I exclaim, folding my arms.

Bellamy smiles again, leaning back against the table. "You have this stalker ex-boyfriend, a best friend who's in love with you and you sit in the Quarantine hallways" Bellamy says delicately, careful not to sound offensive.

I sigh "well when you put it like that...what exactly do you want to know?" I ask, unfolding my arms now.

Bellamy stands up and begins walking around as if deep in thought.

"You're giving me free reign to ask you any questions i want?" Bellamy asks.

"Yes." Theres no garuntee i will answer them...

"How much on a scale of one to 10, do you hate me right now?" Bellamy asks quietly, turning to face me now, standing still in the middle of the room.

I give him a quizzical look for a moment then say "zero" which is true, i thought about saying two then realised in this moment i really dont hate him, or even dislike him! Bellamy smiles. "Out of all the things you could have asked, why ask that?" I say, trying to figure him out.

He looks at his feet and shuffles on the spot slightly "its the question i care about knowing the answer to, the most." He answers genuinely and i am shocked for a moment, the only sound, my heart thumping against my ribs. And my focus 100% on the boy in front of me who appears almost a stranger and it excites me. The new Bellamy, or is this the real Bellamy.

AN: Thanks for reading :) u guys are awesome x

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