41. I Love Bellamy Blake

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About 4 weeks later

"Clarke you have to get out of your tent at some point" Jasper Jordon jeers.

I stifle a giggle as I watch his shadow pacing.

I continue rummaging in my bag and find one of my berry ration packs.

I load them quickly into my makeshift wooden sling shot.

"Come on Clarke surrender" Jasper groans.

I can see his slingshot raised.

"Okay, I concede, you idiots win!" I sigh, readying my weapon. "Aha!" I cry, jumping out of the tent - the safe zone for me and my team.

I fire at Jasper and he stumbles back in shock, tripping on a tent peg, almost falling over completely.

I giggle and a blueberry splatters against my already sticky and coloured hair.

I turn and fire at Monty who is hiding a little way accross camp.

I hear him groan a little but he ducks out of sight.

I look around but Harper, who is meant to be on my team, is nowhere in sight.

"Hey princess" my cheeks turn pink and my heart jumps a little.

I turn round to see Bellamy hobbling over with Miller at his side.

"Hey!" I grin, meeting him half way and hiding the slingshot behind my bag innocently. I kiss him on the cheek before stepping back.

Bellamy looks me up and down suspiciously and Miller is beaming, a hugely amused grin spreading accross his face.

"Have you guys been throwing stuff at each other again?" Bellamy asks, raising one eyebrow in his adorable way.

"No of course not!" I gasp and Miller snorts. I throw him a glare that says "shut up" but I cant fight a smile peeking onto my lips.

"Then what is this, in your hair?" Bellamy asks, raising both eyebrows now as he leans over and appears to stroke my hair behind my ear. My stomach flutters as usual from his closeness.

His tanned fingers come away smudged with blue and I glare at Monty who is watching from his hiding place, only his wide eyes visible.

"Oh I had no idea that was there- and what do you think you're doing walking about on that leg? It's broken! I would know as I was the one who had to patch you up!" I exclaim hotly, changing the subject, my amusement turning to the worry of a doctor.

He rolls his eyes, "it's fine doc!" He grumbles and I frown at him.

I look down at the makeshift cast. he is meant to be using the crutches - not that they were very sturdy - but he isnt. His leg wont ever get better unless he rests.

Suddenly a red berry comes flying out of nowhere and hits Bellamy's cheek, splattering it a bright red.

My stomach leaps as it looks so much like blood, but when I turn and see Jasper, an evil grin on his face, I relax.

Bellamy in one swift motion, takes my loaded slingshot and aims. He hits Jasper right in the chest with force I have never been able to get from the crap weapon.

I take it off Bellamy immediately, his eyes eager and his legs twitching as if about to run.

He groans, "I know, I know I can't join in - my leg" he sighs and his eyes look so sad I actually almost give the sling shot back to him. "You know I could beat all these losers sat down!" He chuckles, his eyes brightening and I force a smile.

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