Just Another Face

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"You guys got it?" Larkin double checked as we drove down the alley ways.

"Lay low. Get fake IDs. Find Sin Lakemen. Change our looks." I summed it all up.

"Bingo Mini Myron!" Thomas clapped his hands together.

"Good job. Now first thing's first. You both need new names."

I thought this would be very hard for us but as soon as Larkin finished his sentence Griff immediately said, "Tyler."

I flinched at the mention of my dead sister.

"I'll be," I paused, "Addilyn."

"Nice." Larkin smiled at us.

"Now come up with a backstory." Thomas looked back at us.

"I am twenty years old and my parents gave me up when I was twelve. I've been jumping foster homes since I was thirteen. My sister, Addilyn, is my only family." It rolled right off his tongue.

"How?!" I practically shouted, "How can you just come up with this? Were you expecting our father to be a psycho?"

"No, but as soon as you told me what you did, I knew our lives were going to change. I knew we were gonna have to be someone different. I came up with stories for both of us in case we ran into trouble." Griff looked me dead in the eye.

"Fine. But I'm coming up with my own back story." I was beginning to get frustrated with Griffyn. I wish he would've told me all of this before. I know we're under a stressful situation but I want to be in on his plans.

"My name is Addilyn Dare. My brother Tyler and I ran from foster homes until last year. Than we got spilt up. I got into some trouble on the streets and I have to lay low."

"I'm sorry what?" Griff turned to face me, "What do you mean "got split up?"  Are you implying that we split up? Because that's not happening."

I took a deep breath. Now's the time. "Yes, it is." I looked him in the eyes than yanked my door open and jumped.

"Ash!" I heard him scream, "Stop the car!"

I watched as the van faded away. Hopefully Larkin would stick to our plan.

Five minutes later, the van didn't come back and I didn't hear Griffyn. I got up and started towards the city. Did I do the right thing? Would I ever see Griff again? Stop. You can't afford to think like that. You did what you had to.

My dad was hunting me. Not Griff. I was the one who could tip the balance. And now I was paying the price.

I lugged my suitcase along. My backpack felt like the world. I managed to make it into an alley with several abandoned apartments. I chose one and replayed the events in my head.

You ditched Griff. You went behind his back with his best friend and ditched him. You may never see him again. You have two psychopaths out to get you. You've screwed your entire life up. You may never see Griff again. What were you thinking? How are you gonna survive out here alone? You may never see your brother again. The only living family you have left.

"What have I done?" I whispered into the air.

"You did the right thing." A boy's voice.

I jumped and spun around.

"Calm down. Are you Ash? My name's Sin. Larkin told me you'd be coming."

"Yeah I'm Ash. And you're gonna help me get a fake ID?" I questioned.

"Yep. So tell me your story and I'll work from there."

"My name is Addilyn Dare. I'm 15 years old. My brother and I were put into foster homes when I was five. We were split up a little while ago. I got I to some trouble on the streets and now I have to lay low."

"What do you do to survive?" Sin asked, writing it all down.

"I work at different places. I can't stay in any one place too long." I looked at him. He was tall with dark hair and blue eyes. He had a small frame but he seemed like he could fight if he wanted.

"Why'd your parents name you Sin?" I questioned.

"Dunno. Why'd your parents name you Ashley?"

"It was my great grandmother's name."

"Where'd Addilyn come from?"

"One of the girls I used to babysit was named Addilyn."

"Ok. Well I've got all the notes I need so I'll show you where you can stay tonight." He motioned for me to follow him.

"Ok. Thanks. Can I ask you a question?"

"Shoot." He replied not looking back.

"Why do you do this? Give people fake identities," I asked.

He stopped and turned around to face me, "It's what I do." Then he turned back around and kept walking.

I remained quiet for the rest of the walk. Once we arrived I realized how illegal this really was. We were in another alley.

"Stay quiet and follow me, ok?" Sin looked back breaking the silence.

"Yeah." I replied quickly.

He walked about halfway down the alley to a dumpster.

"Help me move this," he motioned me.

"Ok," I dropped my bags and joined him.

Once it was moved, he lifted up the top to a sewer.

"Come on," he added, "I'll help you with your suitcase once I get down." Than just like that he disappeared down the hole.

I watched as he made it to the bottom. He motioned for me to drop my suitcase. I hesitated. It was a pretty heavy suitcase. He continued to motion.

Ok then. I dropped it. Much to my surprise he did catch it in spite of his small frame. I quickly climbed down the ladder and landed in a puddle below.

"Impressive," he commented.


"Most girls don't come down until the cops come."

I rolled my eyes, "Your point?"

He shrugged and handed me my suitcase, "You're gonna need those instincts."

"In the life your about to live you can't hesitate," he explained walking down the dark tunnel, "You have to be ready at any moment. Otherwise the cops'll get you."

I followed silently behind as he explained where we were going and how things were going to work.

"Where we're going, you can't tell anyone about it. All the kids down here are runaways. Either from drug parents, foster homes, cops, or even if they just need a place to lay low before they skip town. Or little 'society' runs through the whole city. We have no limits. Our only rule is not to turn us in. If you choose to leave that's fine. By in your case I wouldn't advise it." He took a breath and looked back at me.

"You gettin' all this?"

I nodded.

"Also you might wanna make it known you're a dragon. Intimidation is a good tool down here."  He led me to another tunnel.

This one had a bolted door. I could shouting and music behind it.

"Welcome to the Lost Society." He opened the door and led me in.

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