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Neither Collins nor Dalton, my cousins, were home when I arrived. I'd parked Jax's truck down the street. I hadn't come up with an excuse to where the truck had come from yet. They'd left me a note though, said they'd gone out of town for a few days. Well wouldn't that have been even more lovely if Jax hadn't been with me last night. Who knows what could of happened to my unconscious body.

The first thing I did was dig through the fridge. I was starving. Settling for left over Chinese, I went to my bedroom. Stripping off the shirt, I got to work. I was determined to make myself irresistible for Jax. Might as well have fun while the cousins were away. One weekend wouldn't hurt. What's the worst that could happen?

The shirt turned out pretty awesome. I'd made into a sleeveless crop top. I had to do some sowing to make it fit a bit more snug to my chest. I'd also put big cuts down the back that hung down to my pants in a rippled look.

Finding a pair of faded jean shorts to wear with it, I then proceeded to search for shoes to wear. Digging through my closet I found a pair of non military, black, combat boots and deemed them suitable.

I re did my hair an hour before Jax told me to arrive. Making it fall down in loose curls, I'd gotten it parted right down the center so my black and blonde were separated perfectly. The blue in it popped against the blonde and the black. Adjusting my makeup and adding a bit of shimmery lip gloss, I got dressed.

Checking myself out in my wall mirror, my nerves flared up. Lots of skin was showing, specifically my legs. But my stomach, arms and of course cleavage were too. Almost all of my tattoos were visible. I'd gotten a few hours out in the sun today too and my skin seemed to be glowing from the tan. I felt like I looked good. I felt like I looked like someone who would fit in at whatever it was Jax had invited me to. My hope was a party, it'd been a while.

Grabbing a leather jacket on my way out, I hurried down the darkening street. Hopping into Jax's truck quickly and then looking around to make sure no one was watching me. It looked clear. Starting the truck I eased away from the curb and headed in the direction of the Sons base.

Finding a place to park the beast of a truck was interesting to say the least. Motorcycles and other vehicles filled the lot. Music blared from the clubhouse and people were everywhere.

I left my jacket in the truck and got out slowly. Pulling down my shorts a bit, they rode up while sitting, I slowly walked towards the giant mass of bodies. My hopes of it being a party were right.

Men in leather vest were everywhere. SAMCRO plastered across everything from tattooed body parts, shirts, hats, bike decals, anything you could think of. This must be a reunion or something. I'd never seen so many Sons in one place.

I had no idea where to even begin looking for Jax. Inside maybe? Slowly slipping into the mass of people I felt eyes on me but paid no mind. Drunk, horny bikers were not something I wanted to deal with stone cold sober.

The music was loud inside as I wandered around. I spotted Juice at the bar. Finally someone I kind of knew. Hurrying over to him, I did the first thing that came to mind. I covered his eyes.

"Guess who?" I whispered in his ear. He laughed and played along.

"Uh Sarah? Connie? Amelia?" I giggled. Either he was playing dumb or truly had no idea.


"Shit, I have no idea then." He shrugged but I didn't remove my hands.

If I Die Tomorrow (Sons of Anarachy)Where stories live. Discover now