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Storming off really wasn't necessary but it proved a point. Jax hit a nerve when he held that guy under the water. Just because the guy called him gay doesn't give him the right to threaten to drown him. It was the man's job to provoke the person throwing the balls so they'll miss.

If Jax had a short temper for a man in a clown costume, then who knew what he'd be capable of when it came down to something serious. Would he ever get pushed to the point to kill someone? It scared me to think about but there had to be some truth to what people claim about the Sons of Anarchy.

They claimed they were criminals. That making a deal with them was like making a deal with a devil. Even when you pay your debt they'll never actually be free from them. I had even heard some people claim them to be murders. But I'd come to think of them as friends, some even family. I didn't let the opinions of others cloud mine.

It bothered me Jax hadn't come after me though. I definitely had one of those moment where I wished he'd come running up, spin me around and kiss me passionately. I mean we only almost kissed twice, why not actually follow through with it. I probably would've forgiven him right then and there too.

I decided I needed food to help dull the thoughts in my head. I'd been here for a while and hadn't gotten to enjoy the fair food, it was the best part. Finding the closest french fry stand, I ordered a large without question and a soda.

"Are you planning on eating those all by yourself or are you willing to share?" Looking to my left, I was met with a bright full tooth smile.

"Well that depends. Are you sure you could handle fries on top of the half a bag of cotton candy you just ingested?" Juice's smile never faltered as he stuffed his lat pinch into his mouth.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He shrugged his shoulders and purposely spoke with his mouth full of the sugary substance. I giggled while I salted the fries and put some ketchup in a corner.

"Alright find us a seat."

I tried to push the incident with Jax to the back of my head. I wouldn't discuss it with Juice, even if he asked. It wasn't right to vent to a third party when the main member didn't even know why I was upset.

"So have you been creeping around solo for a while or...?" I asked as I dunked a fry in ketchup.

"No I just got here. Figured I'd run into one of the guys sooner or later." Juice's chocolatey eyes studied me as he spoke and I felt myself start to get self conscious.

I probably looked like hell. I was most certain my hair was a mess from all the rides I'd been on and I'd paid no mind to the fact I had makeup on. I'd wiped my eyes without thought many times. It was probably all smudged and raccoon looking.

"And then you found me about to stuff my face." I shifted my eyes to the fries as I spoke.

"It must be my lucky day, free food from the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." I felt my cheeks warm and looking up, Juice's smile felt like it melted everything that's happened today. All I could focus on was his beautifully contagious smile.

"Maybe it's mine."

We wandered together once we'd eaten the fries. I made it a point to scan the area for Jax and every time I spotted him, I'd find something to look at in the opposite direction. Juice seemed oblivious to it all.

If I Die Tomorrow (Sons of Anarachy)Where stories live. Discover now