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I'd found Gemma a while later. I was thankful she was still at the fair, I didn't know how I'd get home otherwise. When she asked about the giant stuffed animal, I answered her honestly. I then proceeded to to tell her what had happened at the dunk tank.

"Well that could be traumatic. I'm guessing Jax didn't know about that?" Gemma said as she snuffed out her cigarette. I shook my head and looked at the giant dog Juice had won me again. Feeling more and more stupid.

Maybe I really did overreact? Gemma was right, how would've Jax have known otherwise. I was really starting to feel like a overdramatic teenage girl.

"Jax's pride sometimes gets the better of him. Add in the fact the boys were with him. You're not gonna see the Jax you know in private, at least not at this stage in your relationship. The guys would call him out in an instant for being pussy whipped if he chased after you." I nodded again. I hadn't thought of it like that either.

Jax was the vice president of the Sons of Anarchy motorcycle club. He had a reputation to uphold. He couldn't let some random stranger bad mouth him and walk away unscathed. He also couldn't be seen as the guy who was wrapped around a random chicks finger, especially one he wasn't fucking. I understood the whys, I just wished he'd gone a different route. Or at least texted me an explanation instead of me getting it from his mother.

"Tristian!" We both looked and saw Karen not on her high horse, instead she looked frantic. Without hesitating we both got up and went to her.

"What's going on?" Gemma asked quickly. Karen barely looked at us. Her eyes constantly kept moving.

"We can't find Tristian." I looked around hoping to spot the young girl amongst the crowd. It'd gotten pretty dark and all I saw were bodies but non familiar.

"Oh Jesus. Well she must be here somewhere." Gemma tried to reassure her.

"No we've looked everywhere." Elliot came running up. He looked just as panicked as his wife.

"She's not on any of the rides." He said out of breath. It was a small town amusement park. She had to be here somewhere.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" Karen exclaimed and ran her hands through her hair.


The police were called and forty five minutes later Tristian was found. She'd been drug off into the nearby woods, beaten and raped. A thirteen year old girl was raped at Fun Town.

The police kept it hush hush. Gemma asked me to keep my mouth shut as well and said that the club was on it. What Samcro could do was uncertain to me but I didn't ask questions. I knew I wouldn't get answers anyway or if I even wanted them.

Two days had passed. After work I was supposed to meet Juice and go on another date. I was excited but at the same time uneasy. Jax and I hadn't spoken since I blew up on him at the fair. I didn't know what to say though and clearly he didn't either.

Before I went into work I stopped by the compound, hoping to maybe run into Jax somewhere inside. He wasn't at the garage so I tried the Clubhouse. Slipping inside music was blaring, rock music to be exact. I spotted Juice standing next to a pool table, his reaper facing me.

Normally I wasn't into guys with mohawks or purposely bald heads but the way his tribal tattoos sat perfectly on either side took time. It showed that even though he was a biker, he didn't conform to the stereotype. Dare to be different, the motto I lived my life by.

I took a moment to appreciate the broadness of his shoulders and the color of his skin. His head was bent down so I could only see the ends of his head tattoos. He wore a grey shirt that I'm sure had the reaper somewhere or said Sons, and a pair of black cargo pants with a silver chain hanging on his right side, one end secured to his wallet in his back pocket. His pants fit him very nicely. 

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