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I felt like shit. I could hear someone rattling stuff around outside my room. I wasn't ready to wake up yet. Grabbing the comforter I pulled it up over my head to hide myself from the sunlight. A faint chuckle came from beside me and I froze.

Who the hell was in my room? Opening my eyes all I could see was a blue comforter. My comforter wasn't blue. What the fuck? Breathing in deeply, I pretended I was still asleep. A deep woods scent mixed with cigarettes, grease and man, filled my nostrils. This was definitely not even my bed. It felt different and smelt of a guy. A guy hadn't ever been in my bed.

Slowly I moved the comforter so I could peek out. I immediately saw an American flag hung up right above me on the bed. Below the flag was a sticker that said Sons of Anarchy in black. Across the room sat a dresser that was messily kept, clothes hanging out of it. A bunch of decorations were scattered along the walls and pictures sat in a mirror. A desk and wooden chair sat to the left of the bed and a man sat in the chair. It was Jax.

His eyes found mine through my peep hole. He smiled a full tooth smile at me. I stared at him, unsure of where I really was and why I was even there. Slowly I removed the comforter from my head.

"Good morning sunshine." Jax said in his raspy voice. I felt my insides clench and I instantly scolded myself.

"Uh good morning? Where am I?" I looked around more. It was messy.

"The Clubhouse." He'd gotten up and came over to the bed. Sitting down he studied me curiously, placing a hand on my covered thigh.

"Why am I here?" I tried to sit up but a sharp pain shot through my head. "Ah!" I fell back down quickly, closing my eyes and gritting my teeth. Jax moved up, cupping my cheek gently.

"What's happening?" Jax's voice was urgent and close.

Daring to open my eyes, I was startled to see Jax's face so close. He'd bent over and was searching mine. His bright eyes trying to find what could be the cause of my pain. A look of slight panic on his face.

"It'll pass." I said through my gritted teeth. The pain was still coming in waves.

"What is it?" His voice urgent again.

"Side effects of TBI." I managed.

The hand that was cupping my cheek went to the top of my head. Ever so gently he began to run his fingers across my head. Gently massaging. It was helping and the pain began to subside. I couldn't help the slight moan of pleasure that escaped me from the feeling of his fingers. It felt so good to be touched.

Embarrassed, I opened my eyes when the pain was nearly gone. Jax was still watching me. Concern still in his eyes but his expression was one of content. A small smile touching his lips when our eyes met.


"Yes. Thank you."

I took Jax in. He wore a white shirt under his leather vest. I liked his vest more than others I'd seen. I think it was because of the angled SAMCRO patch on the side. Gave it more originality. His hair was the same as last night, a little less messed up though. Straight, curling up slightly at the ends. His blonde stubble had grown more into what was the beginnings of a beard.

We both just stared at each other for a few moments. Neither one speaking. I barely felt like I was breathing. It was up until a sharp knock came on the door. It caused both of us to jump. Still looking at me he called out.

If I Die Tomorrow (Sons of Anarachy)Where stories live. Discover now