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I woke way earlier than expected. A little after seven. Sleep didn't come easy and it didn't stay. Instead of trying to force something that wasn't going to happen, I got up and showered.

I didn't try to fight my hair this morning and pulled it into a side braid. Applying my routine makeup, I dressed in the clothes I'd worn. Walking out of the bathroom, Jax's messy dresser stole my attention.

He'd given me the shirt I wore. Maybe I could borrow one and actually return it? I mean his dresser had shirts hanging out of it from multiple drawers. He probably wouldn't even notice.

I hadn't heard any noise from out in the main area. I didn't want to wake anyone either. Looking around Jax's room, it was a disaster. It was in dire need of a cleaning.

Finding trash bags, I pulled one out and commenced to fill it. By the time I finished I had two bags of trash. One was all his empty bottles and amongst my cleaning I found an actual trash can. It was hidden under dirty clothes. Once the bags were taken out Jax's room would't look like a pigsty anymore.

My next project was to organize. Stuff was strewn everywhere so I began making piles. I made sure not to read any of the paperwork as I stacked it. I didn't want him to think I snooped. I moved to his dresser when I was finished and began folding the items of clothing that were hanging out.

Hearing the lock on the door undo, I turned to face it as it slowly began to open. A curious pair of blue eyes found mine and a shy smile touched the lips below them. Jax slipped in, shutting the door behind him.

"Morning." I said as I set the shirt I'd folded into a drawer.

Jax wore what he had the night before, a black shirt under his leather vest and jeans. His long blonde hair was disheveled and greasy looking. Sleep still clung to his eyes and it made me feel worse about forcing him out of his bed. He needed a shower and a nice breakfast.

"Good morning. Been up for a while haven't you?" Jax looked around at his now cleaned room.

"Yes. It's the least I could do for stealing your room." Jax slid a box under his bed with his foot rather quickly. I didn't look in it but it was labeled John's Stuff. I hadn't the slightest clue who John was.

"Don't worry about it. The couches are comfortable." I didn't believe him. "I'm going to hop in the shower real quick."

Turning away from me he set his vest on the bed and stripped off his shirt. Covering his back was a black and gray tattoo of the Sons of Anarchy reaper. I couldn't help but stare at it as he began to walk towards the bathroom. It fit his toned back so well.

The way the tattoo fit the curvature of his back muscles was perfection. The reaper held a ball with the Anarchy A in one hand and in the other was an M-16 with a scythe on the end. The symbol of SAMCRO. A true member for life. Not that I doubted he wouldn't be since he's the VP.

"I-Is there by chance a kitchen here? I want to make you breakfast." I stammered a bit and Jax spun to face me. I couldn't help my eye wander and he smirked. Of course he was built.

"First you clean my room and now you want to make me breakfast? A woman after my own heart." The smile on his face told me he was teasing. I couldn't help the slight reddening of my face.

"I figured it's the least I could do after I stole your bed two nights in a row."

"I gave it up willingly." Jax said with a chuckle and that raspiness in his voice. "The door to the left of the bar, there's a basic kitchen in there. Don't get you're hopes up, it's bare minimum." He called from inside the bathroom. He didn't shut the door.

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