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Jax took me to his room, and not in a sexual way. I was beat. Jax wouldn't allow me to drive myself home and I didn't think I would've been able to do it even if I tried. He didn't offer to drive me either. I think he wanted me to stay but didn't feel inclined to ask me to.

Jax's room looked the same as always. He'd actually sort of kept it clean since I'd last cleaned it. His bed was unmade, no surprise there, but it didn't matter. I was literally about to fall face first into it and pass out.

"Well have a good night Jaelyn." Jax said to me. Turning to face him, he stood at the entryway, hand on the doorknob, ready to leave. I hugged his flannel to me as I met his gaze.

"You're not staying?" My confusion was evident in my voice. We were both adults here, we could sleep in the same bed.

"Nah, I don't want to wake you when I gotta get up. I'm gonna crash on one of the couches." Lifting his thumb, he gestured behind him. I didn't want him to go.

"Will you please stay? I-I think we could both use the company..." I didn't feel the need to explain my words.

Jax took me in for a moment. I could see the wheels spinning in his head as his eyes shifted down to his bed quickly then back to me. Giving me a nod he released the doorknob and removed his cut. Sitting down on the bed, I slipped my shoes off and hid a smile.

"No promises on keeping my hands to myself though." Jax gave me a mischievous smile. "I'm a cuddler." Stripping his shirt off, he dropped it on the floor. Letting loose the smile I'd hidden, I grinned back at him while I let my eyes wander him.

A new tattoo sat on the left side of his chest. It had a wet look to it from whatever ointment he'd put on. The tattoo read Abel in a basic tattoo styled font. Who was Abel? He'd never spoken to me about anyone named Abel. Was it an acronym for some club lingo?

"Do you want something to sleep in?" Jax asked breaking through my curiosity clouded brain. Glancing down my jean capris probably wouldn't be very comfortable.

"Yes please."

Turning his back to me, Jax dug through his dresser. I tried to wrack my brain for any possible meaning for the four letters. Always be everyone's leader? After bikes envy love? I couldn't come up with anything that would make sense. At least not anything that might actually be it.

"Here." Jax tossed something at me and I caught it right before it hit my face. Holding it up, he'd given me a white shirt with the reaper in red.

Lowering the article of clothing I held, I peeked over at him. He had a smug look on his face as he leaned back against the dresser on his elbows. He looked sexy as hell but that was besides the point. He'd purposely given me only a top.

"Uh, thanks. " I said as I unbuttoned his flannel.

"I sleep in here, you sleep in that." I felt my cheeks warm. He was being demanding, flirty and sexy. Was Jax actually going to make a move? If that was the case fuck sleep.

"Oh we're bartering now?" I asked arching a brow at him. Even though I was tired, I could still muster some sass.

"More like following...the rules." He continued to smile smugly at me as he crossed his arms. I couldn't help but giggle a bit.

"Oh really? Well I must've broken the rules then." I stated plainly. He'd never spoke of these so called rules before.

"Nah. You've been pantless every time you've slept here. You created the rule." I felt my cheeks warm. He was right. Every other time I've slept in this bed I've only worn a shirt, but the first night he'd been the one to remove them.

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