Chapter Six

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The Clippings Book goes off just as the others walk inside. I walk over and read what it says.

"Hawthorne, New Hampshire. A young campaign staffer goes missing."

"Okay who wants to go fetch Colonel Baird back from her 'friend'?" Ezekiel air quotes.

"I remember you took a jaunt to Oklahoma without her. Certainly you can handle a small New England town." Jenkins says and we all go with it.


As Ezekiel and I walk through the streets trying to find this Denning guy.

"What are you guys doing here?" I hear Eve's voice and we turn around. She barges up to us.

"The Clipping Book called us. There was... we're here about a girl that's..." Cassandra stumbles for words.

"Missing. Brandy Vargas." Eve says. "That's why I'm here. Wait the Clippings Book sent you?"

"Though you were here visiting a friend?" Ezekiel asks.

"Friend or a friend-friend?" Jacob asks raising and eyebrow.

She explains how they served together then Ezekiel explains how he texted Brandy the day she went missing. She storms off and the rest of us go to a hotel she went to that day.

We all walk in, Ezekiel goes and opens the blinds and I look up.

"A glyph," I whisper and point up.

"17th century, puritan symbol." Jacob adds. "It means devil."

The door opens and we all shriek a little then see it's just Eve and her man-friend.

"Sorry, who are you?" He asks pointing to us.

"These are my... co-workers with the... private security firm I... run." Eve improvises.

"Uh we're here looking for Brandy Vargas." I say.

"Well I can tell you she sure as hell isn't here." The man-friend says. Suddenly something drops from the ceiling g and we all turn around to see a dead Brandy Vargas on the bed.


"The glyph doesn't mean "the devil." It means "a devil" or "demon." Catch." He throws a book down and Jacob catches it. "Many evil creatures throughout time have taken the name "devil." You know, kind of a shorthand, right? But make no mistake... very powerful foe." Jenkins explains. Throwing a few more books down, the ones Ezekiel catches he just hands them to me.

"What do they want?" Cassandra asks.

"Souls, hence the whole... devil... thing. They feed on souls."

"Well, is it like... does it take human form? Or is it like a weird-ass monster or what?" Jacob asks.

"Mr. Stone, the thing to remember about devils is that they will never appear in a red cape and horns." Jenkins explains then sets down the books he was holding.

"They will come dressed as everything you ever wished for." I say.

"So we should look for..." Ezekiel trails off.

"Katy Perry wearing the Crown Jewels holding a wad of cash with an unnatural attraction to young Aussie boys." Jenkins says and I look at Ezekiel. I laugh a little looking at his smirk.

We continue talking about the contract it was suppose to work through and Jenkins sighs defeated.

"If only we had the late Miss Vargas's..." he looks over at a smug Ezekiel.

"You took it didn't you?" I ask him.

"Of course I did mate!" He takes it out handing it over.

"You stole a dead girls phone!" Jacob says annoyed.

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