Lets just take the bus Pt.1

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Jungkook finally felt settled in at his family's new house. He managed to finish off his junior year of high school back in his old town and didn't attend the last few weeks in his new home city.

Summer rolled in and he started meeting more people. There was Jimin and Yoongi. Jungkook had met them when Jimin had tried hitting on him in a grocery store. It ended with the three of them hanging out in the parking lot and having races in shopping carts.

He no longer got lost either, which was a huge relief to his mother. The only thing he hadn't gotten used to was his across the street neighbor.

Jungkook had actually only seen him three times. The first time was when Jungkook was out getting the mail early in the morning and the boy was dragging himself up his family's driveway. He was either incredibly drunk or had some sort of leg injury.

The second time Jungkook got a glimpse of his neighbor it was right around the time the local high school was close to getting let out, school was still in session. A nicer looking car pulled up to the house across the street and out came that same boy.

Jungkook was sitting on his front porch, listening to music and texting Jimin. From where he was he came to serval conclusions about neighbor boy. He was around his age, and neighbor boy didn't like being at home.

As soon as he had finished talking to the person in the car he dashed up the front steps of his house. He returned a few moments later with what looked like a tool box and work gloves.

The last time Jungkook had saw his neighbor was actually just the day before. He was once again listening to music in his front yard. This time he was sprawled out on the grass, the sky lightly dotted with clouds, breeze brushing over his skin, Jungkook was dozing in and out of sleep.

Jungkooks peace was interrupted by the sound of foot steps approaching him rapidly. He bolted up from his seat on the grass and tried to find the source of sound.

Running down the street was his neighbor. Behind him was another boy both of them running hard and fast, neither intent on slow down.

"Hoseok! You better be there Friday night for that race or I'm personally gonna kick your ass! You're my best racer!"

"This isn't about that Tae, just leave me alone! Fuck you!"

Hoseok, that was neighbor boys name.

Hoseok was able to reach his front door and slam it shut before the other boy Tae reached him. Jungkook felt odd watching all of it, it seemed to be a rather private moment. Not knowing what to do he just laid back down on the grass.

That leaves him here at his kitchen table a day later. He's leafing through an old photo album, it was in the last box that needed to be unpacked. The box had sat in the corner of the kitchen being neglected ever since the move.

Jungkook flipped the last page to a picture of him and his older brother who was now in college. The two of them sat on the white brick fence that used to surround their old house, smiling at something off camera. It was one of those perfect photos people would carry around in their wallets.

He began to stand up from the table, no longer wanting to reminisce. He brushed off his shirt and tucked the wooden chair back to its place. Jungkook placed the photo album onto one of the two bookshelf's they had in the living room.

Hoseok had the lights off. His bed was bare. In a fit of rage earlier he had torn down all the posters and photos that had once littered his walls.

The only thing that moved or showed any sign of life were the curtains that would flutter in the draft from the window.

Hoseok wanted to cry, he wanted to do anything but just lay there but the very last bits of hope had been drained from him.

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