Penny For Your Thoughts Pt.1

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I'm alive. Mentally and physically exhausted but alive. School gets out tomorrow so I'll finally be on vacation which means LOTS more one shots. Anyways HobiKisseu your soulmate story made me want write something like it so now we have this. Hope you like it✨✨ (unedited as per-usual)

Soulmates the word was something terrifying to Hoseok. He knew that it was real but he did not believe in real love. Real love was true love and people existed in a place that wasnt ever true to anything. If anyone knew of this it was Hoseok.

He has on of Jimins old oversized sweaters, its not as long fitting on Hoseok but the arms and shoulders still too big. Hoseok is sitting in Jimins apartment, perched ontop of the balcony ledge. He has no concern for the ten stories of apartments floors that are below him. His eyes are contemplating something and his hands shaking from the cold wind. The gray skies not helping the chilling feeling in his bones.

Tears have already been shed and he is left alone. Jimin was supposed to be his soulmate and now he is dead. Every person in the world is born with the first words they ever hear their soulmate say, these words are wirtten on a persons wrist. Those words on your wrist do not fade until your soulmate has passed.

On ocassion the local news sation would play sad stories about the young person who screamed out in pain as they watched the pharse on their wrsit dissaper, the black letters complety vanshing. Hoseok was waiting for this to happen to him. To get that searing burn lash out onto his wrist, sinking into the deepest parts of him, but it never came.

Hoseok still has the words 'Penny for your thoughts" on his wrist. Hoseok thinks he is really still wiating for that magical moment where the world will click back togher and he can get his life back.

Hoseok and Jimin were happy. They had a apartment, they were married, and it all felt so real. But thats the catch here, was it or wasnt it? Yes they were happy but they werent soulmates.

What if Jimin had never gotten sick? What if Hoseok had stayed happy with the wrong person all his life would it have really been a bad thing?

When they had met Hoseok had been on the floor of the public libary shuffling through stacks of books trying to find a certain qoute he had heard a long time ago from his teacher. Which was also very fitting for their meeting because as Hoseok ,the college drop out would learn, was that Jimin was a elemantry school teacher.

Jimin was wearing a bright blue shirt with a green hoodie and his hair was such a pretty shade of brown. He crocuhed down on the floor next to Hoseok. Then he said 'Penny for your thoughts'. Hoseok ususualy froze up everytime anyone let the common pharse pass over their lips but he had been so engrosed in all the words on the pages it didnt quite register.

In response to Jimin, Hoseok gave his famous answer to that question 'I don't know if I have a lot of thoughts or no thoughts at all'. Jimin felt a heavy weight drop right down into the soles of his feet.

Those were the words on Jimins wrist and Hoseok was the only person to say that.

It was a perfect fit. It had to be a perfect fit and three years later Hoseok finds that it really wasn't.

He can't fathom what the world could possibly be trying to teach him.


Hoseok had never heard of this happening. Not on bad TV shows, not in romance novels, not on the internet chat sites, no one ever died. He was lost and he felt alone.

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