I guess we both like the smoke pt.2

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Jungkook was resting against Hoseoks car, bouncing his leg up and down trying to steady his emotions. He was waiting for Hoseok to get out of dance class, Hoseok had lent Jungkook his car and Jungkook hung out at a cafe while Hoseok danced.

The night was cold, Jungkooks breathe let out puffs of smoke, he kept rubbing his hands together even though it proved useless.

"Ah is that my Jungkook?"

Jungkook looked up to see Hoseok looking at him a bit too fondly.

"What's up with you?"

"I'm tired and happy and tired but mostly just happy,"

Jungkook hummed in response, circling the car so that Hoseok could drive.

"Kookie, can you do me a favor?"

Jungkook hadn't opened up the passenger door yet and he found himself a bit surprised at how whinny Hoseok sounded.

"Yeah what is it?"


Jungkook laughed lightly but agreed. Hoseok thanked him and they switched sides.

Once in the car Jungkook asked Hoseok what the plan for the night was. Hoseok lazily said taking a nap and maybe watching a movie.

Jungkook smiled at the idea. All him and Hoseok had done so far was teenage vandalism and a little much of it at that.

Hoseok was curled up in the passenger set in a awkward looking position, Jungkook driving down side streets to avoid the traffic of the main road.

"Wait stop here,"

Jungkook obliged to Hoseoks request and pulled over in front of a empty house. Hoseok got out of the car, popped open the trunk and climbed onto the roof of the car.


"Come on we can just nap here,"

"Hoseok you're acting weird,"

Hoseok only rolled his eyes.

"I just want to look at all the stars look at how clear the sky is!"

He had a point. The sun had set awhile ago but the sky had odd streaks of pastel green and light blues. The stars shone so well Jungkook would have felt guilty if he didn't stop to stare.

Giving into Hoseok once again he climbed the hood of the car to find that Hoseok had laid down a blanket and rolled a jacket to lay his head on.

Jungkook sat next to Hoseok, his shoulders visibly shaking from the cold but he wanted to enjoy this with Hoseok. It would be different to experience this type of peace with Hoseok they had bonded over destruction.

There was a tapping sound on the car and Jungkoook tore his eyes away from the sky to find the source of the noise.

Hoseok was tapping the spot on the roof next to him.


"Come lay with me your cold,"

Jungkook went back to star gazing not wanting to let Hoseok see how flustered he was. Jungkook knew he liked Hoseok there was really no other explanation as to why he would was always feeling so nervous, so jovial, so hopeful whenever Hoseok was around.

"Kookie...your cold come on I'll hold you,"

With a sigh Jungkook let Hoseoks hands pull him down, Jungkooks head landing onto Hoseoks shoulder. Hoseoks arms bundled around him pulling as close as possible.

They stayed in silence, Hoseok humming a tune, Jungkook fiddling with the fabric of Hoseoks jacket.

"I don't feel... I don't feel like I have to set fire,"

Jungkook confused looked up at Hoseok, facial expression pegging him to keep talking.

"You don't make me feel like I need to set something on fire. You make me content, and you make me feel like I'm free and can do whatever I want. I don't need to think of fire when you're around and I haven't been able to do that for a really long time."

Jungkook stiffened when he felt Hoseoks chapped lips scrap across the top of his head. His cheeks were dusted with pink. A far off look and feeling began growing on Jungkook but he battled with another feeling. He felt that he should say something in return.

"Thank you for letting me take out all my emotions. I'm usually a pretty pent up person. I hold back a lot. You help me relax though, even if we don't exactly do relaxing things when we hang out. I would really like to thank these past few weeks have meant a lot and-"

Hoseok had snuck his lips to met Jungkooks, cutting off his words. Jungkook instantly tugged on Hoseoks shirt, rolling on top of him in the process.

His knees digging into the roof of the car, cold air hitting him hard. Hoseok had his arms around him again pulling Jungkook back down.

"This seems appropriate,"

Hoseok was mumbling against Jungkooks mouth.


In between kisses and ragged breaths Hoseok got his words out.

"Our first kiss, at nine thirty, parked in some random neighborhood, on top of a car, looking at the stars,"

"I agree. Maybe we should do continue though?"

Which is exactly what they did. The two of them made out on top of Hoseoks car the dazzling mid winter sky above them.

Jungkook felt his phone ringing but ignored, Hoseok was supposed to be home 20 minutes ago and he ignored that.

They figured everyone could wait.

I know your probably like 'bitch where the fuck have you been?' I usually update this pretty often but I've been having school and personal issues get in the way of fun stuff like this

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I know your probably like 'bitch where the fuck have you been?' I usually update this pretty often but I've been having school and personal issues get in the way of fun stuff like this. In a few weeks things should be back to normal. But here's this short chapter for you guys🐠🐠🐠

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