Dr.Seuss tells us why Jungkook is jealous

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"Jungkook there's not much to do he has other friends and everything's not about you,"

"Yes, but you see Hoseoks mine and no others, to let this fact fall would be most despairing of all,"

Seokjin gave up and complained it was only a movie and a poorly made one as tales seemed to have told.

Jungkook sat on the floor in front of the door, pouting and practically shouting.

Outside it was chaos, all order was lost. That's what Jungkook would tell you but we can't trust such a *cough* *cough* *cough* cock.

Hoseok sat staring at the spectacular rectangular moving picture machine, Yoongi sat glaring his mood all distorted for someone was snoring and making this all quite very boring.

Jimin was crying this screening was worth bawling. Taehyung already gone, sleeping and dreaming of his own past days meaning.

Taehyungs head flopped to the left and that's where it met a shivering shoulder. Hoseok was only getting colder, he snuggled up closer.

The door slightly open so Jungkook could poke his nose in and possibly revoke anyone who dared to mess around with his own personal bloke.

Hissing with whispers Jungkook retorted to a now almost asleep Seokjin,

"Him and Taehyung bundled together, well I can understand I mean come on this weather, wait that's not my point! I'll be damned if I let another man-"

"Ugh, let it go. Please just enjoy the show from where you stand hiding, there's no point in whining."

Angry and huff Jungkook called refused to call his own bluff. Jealousy seethed all through out the golden man for there Hoseok sat with no other than a brat.

Credits declared the show as officially closed. Hoseok went flying when the lights feathered on and there stood Jungkook ready to put an end to his once dear friend.

"I'm not jealous"

"I didn't say you where, and if you would take the time sir I'm sure-"

But Jungkook couldn't take it. A measly two hours without his beloved had left the poor thing deprived and tear bloated.

"No more movies with Tae, this marks the last day"

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