Entrys of a psychic something

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This song is preformed by one of my favorite artists and its a haunting and beautiful song I suggest listening to the whole thing ,thanks for reading ^•^

Date: Irrelevant
Time: 12:34am
Am I real? If I was real this wouldn't be happening to me. Why now? I haven't seen things like this, haven't felt like this since I was in high school. I can't understand, I was never able to. It's so dark now. Too dark.

Date: Irrelevant (Wednesday)
Time: 2:57 pm
I can't tell them. They won't comprehend. I've started with the candles. It's scaring them. They've never seen my in such a frenzy, so panicked, so anxious. But I'm trying to keep them safe. There has to be a reason why I'm seeing these things. Horrible, horrible things.

Date: Still irrelevant (Friday)
Time: 9:12 am
Namjoon walked in on me meditating. All my candles lit, the lights off, surrounded by a circle of crushed flowers. He looked at me strangely before leaving and shutting the door. I know he won't tell the others, he can keep secrets. I was only trying to see more so that I can learn.

Date: Sunday (No longer irrelevant)
Time: 2:45 am
I've been staying up late trying to decipher my old writings. My handwriting was always just muted scribbles the scrawl fueled by my constant paranoid nature. I have more control now. When and where. I can push what I see father away.

Date: ???
Time: ???
Scared Scared Scared Scared Scared Scared Scared Scared Scared Scared Scared Scared Scared Scared Scared Scared
S c ared

Date: Maybe Wednesday but maybe Tuesday
Time: 3:25 pm
I've locked myself in my room. I have sage burning next to the window, salt runs along the floor in interwoven patterns and symbols, I painted the faces on the wall. It took me hours but it's done. They're all outside begging, pleading for help. To help me. I'm protecting them.

Date: Thursday (for sure)
Time: 7:52 pm
I decided Jungkook was the safest. He is the safest to let in. He still holds a very strong innocence. An innocence that only comes with a first life. I can see the others and all the lives they have lived. Yoongi is the youngest, he's only lived a few times, he died young on too many occasions and is striving for the togetherness an old soul has. Taehyung is the second youngest. His childish demeanor is only because all his other lives have been too tragic, too empty, too lonely. My heart aches for the pain he will sometimes radiate. Next is Jimin and Seokjin. They are roughly the same age but their lives have worn them differently. I see a lot of war in Seokjins heart, but Jimins conscious holds no regrets from his past lives. Namjoon is the oldest he's seen the birth of civilization, the vast emptiness of the new world. He can very well be the oldest soul I've ever met but why he hasn't put his soul to rest I don't know. But Jungkook? This is his first time around.

Date: Friday
Time: 11:31 pm
Jungkook is very gentle with me. It's supposed to be the other way around but I'm still having trouble explaining to him. I'm getting frustrated with my self. Something is coming, something is wrong, why it's here I can't fathom. But it's dark, and strong. Stronger than my own knowledge.

Date: Sunday (again)
Time: Don't know
Jungkook understands. He believes. He believes because out of all of us he is the closest to life. He is trying to show and make the others understand. They are only concerned.

Date: Monday
Time: 1:00 pm
I told them the story. The story of what I see. I see a door locking. The knob turning once. There's a crack, a shatter, a simple silence. White noise erupts the image I see and sends glass going through my skin piercing my soul. Then we're running, but we're too slow. Because our world starts melting into nothing but thick fat black ooze that sticks to us, dragging us down down down. Now we're okay again. The sun shines heavily, the ocean sparkles with purity, the sand soft under feet. A single shriek rips apart the serenity. I'm thrown into darkness, I'm falling. Someone's hand brushes against mine, the more I concentrate on the hand the more real it becomes. There is Jungkook pulling me back up.

Date: Irrelevant
Time: No
I've decided I should let Jungkook see to. Not just my visions but my reality. Jungkook is so gentle with me but I can see past that. I see all his emotions hitting up against his newly built walls and spilling. He's drowning in emotions he didn't even know existed. I want to see what he's like in the next life. But I need to make it out of this one first.

Date: What's a date?
Time: What?
What? What? Something went wrong. It went to fast. Jungkook knows and he's safe. I gave him everything. He knows now. But I'm wrong. I did something wrong and now I have to leave early.


Dear diary,
I met a boy today. He jokingly told me to call him 'Bun Bun'. He was so cute. He'd say something with an exuberance of just power and confidence then revert back to a shy mess. We met after I accidentally made a bad joke in the grocery store aisle. He laughed too hard so I kept making more jokes. I think I've met him somewhere before, but when I asked he got so confused. Said he had never seen me before. I think he might be lying.

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