Lets just take the bus Pt.2

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Taehyungs funeral was small. In a matter of fact only two people showed up. Hoseok and Jin.

Namjoon and Jin were now feuding because of this event. Namjoon was blaming himself for all of this. He was the one who had introduced Hoseok and Taehyung, he blamed himself for letting Taehyung get out of line, for letting Hoseok fall in love so fast. As soon as Tae had pulled the gun on Hoseok Namjoon swore him off.

Jin on the other hand couldn't believe that Namjoon wasn't going to be there for his friend. Something Namjoon always said he would do. When Jin brought this point to his face all Namjoon could say was "Well Taehyungs dead and by the end of all this bullshit he wasn't our friend Jin, hell he wasn't even Taehyung anymore,"

Hoseok cried. He cried a lot. Seokjin almost cried. What Namjoon had said really stuck to him and he realized that Taehyung had died along time ago.


Kihyun had packed up and left. It took a lot to get him out of the house and back on track for his road trip. After the incident down on the train tracks Kihyun was afraid to leave Jungkook alone and he almost swore off Yoongi and Jimin.

Kihyun held them two responsible for what Jungkook had been pulled into. But on a conversation over the phone Jungkook convinced his brother otherwise.

"Kihyun...I would be dead without them!,"

Jungkook let his free hand run through his hair multiple times.

"No, Jungkook you wouldn't have ever been put into that situation if you hadn't met them!,"

"That's a bunch of shit and you know it. They're my friends. I was the one who chose to step out there with Hoseok, and Yoongi was the one who saved me. He had a gun and I don't give two flying fucks about why he had it. You know why I don't care? Because he can't be that bad of a person if he saved my life and risked his own for it."

When Jungkook had hung up he knew he changed Kihyuns mind.

Jungkook spent the days following the death of Taehyung in a thick haze. He spent most of his time huddled in away in his room trying to write. He would never get far with any of the writing, his mind would always wonder back to the train tracks.

When Jungkook had heard Kihyun yell duck he had three automatic instincts. The first one was to respond to the order Kihyun gave and the second one was to close his eyes. The third one was to pull Hoseok down with him.

Jungkook wished the rain hadn't stopped because that way everything would have washed off of him. When he opened his eyes blood was splattered over his hands,face and clothes. Hoseok had tears building up in his eyes but he wasn't rushing over to Taehyung he stayed with Jungkook.

Jungkook sighed and leaned back in the chair he had in his room. His walls where a shade of pastel blue and an offset of white. He only had his desk lamp and the way the light radiated was making him feel sick.

"Jungkook someone's here to see you,"

His mothers call from the front door pulled him out of his room.

"Oh god, I can't do this,"

There was Hoseok. Dressed in simple clothes, his hair a mess and looking like he was going to faint from nerves. Hoseok turned to walk away and back to his house but Jungkook quickly reached out to stop him.

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