Wings Killer Pt.1

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A/N: Because I'm a shit head this is unedited. I never expected this to be so long? I had to chop it down some and even then there's going to be a part two. But enjoy!


"Jeon Jungkook"



"Time of death?"


Hoseok walked with Jimin who was reading Hoseok facts off his clipboard. Jimin wrote everything down, he kept a thick note pad tacked under his clipboard.

The two men pushed aside the journalists and on lookers. Hoseok reached the police tape that was surrounding the outside of the house, lifting it up for Jimin to walk underneath.

"This his place?"

Hoseok gestured his head towards the house. Two stories, five visible windows from the front, no screen door, a fence blocked off the entry to the backyard.

"Yes, he lived here alone"

"That's strange he was only 19 you said. What did he do for work?"

Jimin sighed and pushed his sunglasses up further. The sun wasn't out, the sky was overcast droplets of rain already falling. Jimin wore sunglasses because of all the lessons he had learned from Hoseok he could only vividly remember the first.

"Wear these glasses, don't let anyone look at your eyes. Don't let anyone know what you're thinking."


Hoseok was greeted by the haunting smell of blood, old coffee and expensive cologne. Hoseok darted his head back and forth between every surface in the house. He needed to remember as much as he could.

From down the entrance hall a head poked out of a doorway. It was Taehyung, Hoseok's favorite crime scene photographer.

"Ah Hoseok and Jimin are here! Quick you gotta see this before they pack this guy up!"

"Can't you have some respect for the guy he was literally murdered where you're standing,"

Jimin was both teasing and questioning Taehyung. Jimin got to the entry way first and had to suck in his breathe, he spun around to face the hallway.

"Being mildly morbid and humorous is how I'm able to take these pictures,"

Taehyung seemed to be unaffected by the scene in front of him but Hoseok could see the slight tremors in his hands. He couldn't keep the camera quite balanced and had to retake shots.

Jimin had to recollect himself in the hall. There in the kitchen a young man laid. Brown hair matted down to his forehead by blood, his face was covered in pieces of glass. There were shards lodged into his cheeks, blood had dried in the oddest of ways on his face. Pathways of the blood went between each shard of glass.

The mans clothes where covered in coffee stains, his arm a blaring red. Hoseok figured that's where most of the cofffee had landed was his arm.

Fingers and hands where cut up but not by that of glass. His hands had very distinct clear designs. A circle with some fraying strokes along the rim, that was on his left hand. The right hand was four ovals intertwining to create a shamrock like shape.

Fingers had been slashed to repeatedly spell out the boys name.  What Hoseok couldn't get from just looking at the body was that what came first the killing or the marking of the hands?

If the killing came first then something must have gone wrong. A killer who leaves behind types of markings like this on his victim was probably prepared to murder. To execute with nothing but a coffee pot as the weapon would be strange. It suggested that Jungkook had intervened too early in the process.

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