Changing Pt.2

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"Obessive research,"

Seokjin and Namjoon sat at the kitchen table. The clock had just struck elven-thrity, everyone else had turned in for bed. Namjoon was once again being cornered by Seokjin about Jungkooks recent focus, which was intense reseach about a range of subjects.

The boys room was covered in color pallets, paper cut outs of the shapes he saw where taped up on the walls, he was constantly scribbling in the new pocket journal he had.

To Namjoon this held no concern. He understood that Jungkook was just trying to figure out more about himself. Jungkook had even given Namjoon very in depth theories about what Hoseoks colors and shapes meant. Each time Jungkook brought up Hoseok Namjoon could only smile becuase that boy was whipped.

Jungkooks most recent theory about Hoseok was that the colors changed whenever Hoseok presented himself differently. Jungkook explained that Hoseoks physical language could be something that Jungkook automatically interprets and thats what triggers color change. It had some sense to it but Jungkook still didnt have a concrete theory of what the correlation betwenn colors,shapes and emotions meant exaclty.

Still Namjoon and Hoseok being the only ones unbothered by the spike in 'professor Jungkook' as Jimin had started calling him lately, left the others wondering what exactly they knew about Jungkook.

Like Namjoon, Hoseok found Jungkooks research fascinating. He often looked over his shoulder to peek at his notes, he let Jungkook rant to him about each new possibility. Hoseok found Jungkook to be cute when he was intensely concentrated on his computer screen, eyes flying over words with a precise purpose.

Still Seokjin was the most diligent when it came to this new side of Jungkook. Namjoon and him where locked in a game of circles. Seokjin would ask a question, Namjoon would give a vague answer, Seokjin would scowl but persist with his endless barrage of questions.

"Does he even sleep these days? I know he got the bare minimum before but he's up all night doing who knows what,"

Namjoon was refilling his glass of water, with his back to Seokjin he was safe to give his eyes a little roll. When he settled back down at the table he clicked his tongue trying to find an answer that would satisfy Seokjin.

"As long as he isn't slacking on his commitment to the group I don't see a problem,"

Seokjin rested his chin in the crook of his hand, staring directly into the dark pit of Namjoons soul with a look of annoyance so strong that it made Namjoon take a gulp of nervous anticipation.

"I know he's up to something. I know that you and Hoseok are in on it. You more than Hoseok, why that is I haven't figured out. I assume it has something to do with Jungkooks dorkus crush on Hoseok. As of now it's not really a crush but anyhow my point is this Namjoon; Jungkook can't keep this up for long."
Jungkook was a little late to notice how the others started treating him different. Took him longer to notice that it was because of his research.

Taehyung no longer tried to get Jungkook out of his room to play video games or watch weird videos on Youtube. Jungkook spent his free time hunched over strange art books about colors and shape composition, flipping through articles on the physical signs of emotions, Taehyung once saw him studying Hoseok. Which, yes did creep him out a bit.

Jimin gave up on his mischievous approach to hangout time. Jungkook seemed to lose interest in anything that wasn't ...well Jimin didn't know what Jungkook was interested in anymore. He once sat on Jungkooks bed watching him work, trying to decipher all things tacked up on his wall. There seemed to be no sense in what Jungkook was researching.

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