Wings Killer pt.3

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A/N: Its two in the morning and I was running thin on motivation to write this but I pulled through and brought y'all this thing. It's kinda eh but the next one shot is gonna be 🔥🔥🔥🔥I SWEAR (unedited per usual)

"Namjoom? Why is he here?"

Jimin stashed everything back into the safe while Hoseok went out into the hall to distract Namjoon who was still on the first floor of the house. 


Hoseok rushes down the stairs, he tries to readjust himself and put on his usual bright and prompt mannerisms. After the mornings events, not to mention his whole week it's hard but he manges.

He finds the head detective sitting on the ottoman in the living room. Hands hosting up his chin, knuckles white, leg bouncing up down trying to bring comfort this his mangled thoughts.

"Hoseok, Ive been wanting to talk to you about this for so long. I went to your apartment and the police station but I figured you'd be here. Anyway I don't want to bother you with this, you're so dedicated and kinda obsessed with this case but this has been on my mind."

Hoseok braces himself for whatever Namjoon is about to say. He shifts his legs trying to get ready for an attack, his nerves are pushing the logical parts of Hoseoks brain around.

"What is it Namjoon?"

Hoseok was actually kind of hoping for a murder confession but he's not that lucky.

"Jimin, how do I ask him to be my boyfriend? Is he here? He's not here right it's just you..."

Namjoon trails off, his eyes having caught the sight of Jimin leaning over the railing and giving the best smile he could muster.

It was painful for Hoseok to watch Jimin attempt to keep himself in check. It was cringe worthy, but more importantly it was horrifying.

Every time Namjoon moved Jimin would flinch, every gentle brush of shoulders, every smile, every word that came out Namjoons mouth made Jimin want to cry.

His heart wasnt just pounding inside his chest it was trying to rip him apart. Jimin tried to explain to Namjoon why they were at Jungkooks house but Hoseok didn't trust him with that. Not when he was this nervous and scared.

"Ah, we think we have a lead."

Namjoon raised his eyebrow and crosses his arms, he motions with his hands for Hoseok to keep talking.

"We figured that the lives of these victims were all connected by the same patch of city. It's likely they walked by each other on the street more than once. So we hit the restaurants, shops, and bars. We weren't expecting to find anything but we found uh this guy."

Hoseok inspects the look on Namjoons face as carefully as he can. He's composed, sure of himself actually. Hoseok doesn't break eye contact when he continues talking.

"His name is Nakta. He didn't say much. Just that he knew Jungkook or sorry uh Nochu? That was a nickname of his. I thought Nakta was hiding something from us. We're planning to go back to the bar and visit him again. Thought we'd make a lap around Jungkooks place to find any trace of Nakta."

Namjoon let out a shaky breathe, it didn't go unnoticed by Hoseok. The very simple action made Hoseoks lips thin down into a line. If Namjoon really was the Wings Killer he would be more than capable of hiding what he was really feeling.

The slightest hints were what Hoseok was searching for. It was as if he was chipping away at the first layer of paint on a art piece. The original image was morphing. New streaks of color showing more and more with each chip Hoseoks made.

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