Jaehee x reader oneshot

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Sorry I'm  really lazy with this one and its about 1am here so don't judge me! God Dayum, welp let get this over with right?

You sat on the couch with your beautiful girlfriend watching one of Zens movies.
You thought it was funny, you and Jaehee had fangirled over Zen for so long you both never noticed how much you two belonged to each other. "And this is the part they pull his shirt off."
They pull zens shirt off in the movie. "Called it."
You smiled but was still in thought. "Something the matter (y/n)?"
You shook your head and looked at her brown eyes.
"No I was just thinking." Jaehee smiled, "What were you thinking about?"
You took off her glasses as she looked at you confused.
"Did you ever think it was funny how we never noticed how perfect we were for each other? We were just some other girls part of the Zen fan club and now we are here." Jaehee smiled.
"Do you remember how i always told you to be careful as I always asked you if you liked him or not?" You shook your head yes, remembering the old chats.
"I had feelings for you already and I was afraid Zen would have you before me." You smiled, "nooo?" You said in a teasing voice.
She laughed "yes, that's why...I wasnt  jealous of you and him...okay maybe a little cause have you see his abs? What if you got to touch them before me?"
You laughed holding Jaehee close. She smiled placing her lips on your own sinking in slowly.
"So that makes me officially part of the (y/n) fan club."
You smiled, "and your my number one fan."

Okay maybe this isn't crappy i liked it hehe okay well I better go to bed now lolololol.
Yuuki over and out!

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