Stay jumin x reader one shot

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I would be lying if I didn't say this made me cry lololol. I love the jumin and saeyoung theory or story. Jumin is my favorite besides saeyoung so I like the deep stories haha. I hope you enjoy this story.
I hold (Y/N) closely as her chest rises up and down from her small breaths. My heart goes the same pace but maybe a little more quicker. I know that this won't last. But I just hope she will stay. No i want her to stay with me but I want her to be happy. Tch, that Lucile is nothing but trouble for her but, I'm not him. So I couldn't possibly know what's going on between those two. I'm not her happy ending.

A hole in my chest grows bigger and bigger making me feel more cold hearted as ever. What will be intended for me to (Y/N)? Just a friend? My eyes water letting my sight get blurry. My chest starts to rise up and down between my sobs. I put my hand to my mouth hopping this could stop me from crying. I don't need (Y/N) to see me in this condition. I'm fragile right now. if she woke up I won't be able to go through one word with out losing myself.

"Hm? Jumin?" Just my best luck. I wipe my eyes trying to put on the best smile I could.

She's not convinced I could tell, "jumin, what's wrong?" Everything.
"Jumin tell me." I can't.
"Jumin speak to me!" No.
Her (E/C) eyes turn red with water leaking through letting the tears flow down her cheeks.

A worried expression is plastered on her face, "Jumin." I bet Lucile would never make her cry, but I just did. Maybe I'm the troubled one. But I have to say it before, before, she.

Before I know it I wrap my arms around her letting my sobs get louder as I cry and cry on her shoulder. She pulls me closer letting the situation calm down.
"(Y/N) please! Please! Don't leave me."
She stays quiet as I let my heart pour out to her.

The message I give goes on, "i know I'm not perfect, I know I'm not everything you wanted, I'm sorry I'm not your happy ending!"

She pulls back and looks at me. Her eyes are calm as she smiles at me trying to stay strong. I probably look pathetic at this second. 
"Oh jumin, but your my happy ending." She closes her eyes and smiles. My eyes widen as she finished that sentence. My tears stop as I wipe my eyes. A smile creeps on my face letting my heart beat once again. A huge weight is lifted off my back, that hole goes away almost instantly.

She holds my face rubbing my cheek with her thumb soothing me.

"I love you jumin." I look at her and smile.
"I love you too (Y/N)." she places her lips on mine letting this kiss have more passion more heart. This kiss was more, it was all our love putting in a 10 second kiss.

She looks at me and we smile at each other before we pull into anembrace.
Your my happy ending (Y/N).
You got the good ending.
Lololol sorry I had too also since I got my new phone I got data with it! But stupid me I wasted it all on mystic messenger routes instead of updating on my book. Okay what am I kidding? Brilliant me!
Until next time
Yuuki over and out
(Also thank you for all the readings and votes! <3)

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