Rivals part 3

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We both walk through the doors of the home.
Bright lights shine and music is blasting loudly.
"I'm going to get us something to drink!" (Rm/n) says before running along with out me.
"No wait-! I don't.....drink." I roll my eyes. Nvm then.

This place is filled with many people I recognize from class. Man I feel so awkward here.
Maybe I should just leave.

"Here we are!" (Rm/n) stands before me with two plastic red cups in her hands. Giving me one she waits patiently.

"Aren't you going to drink?"
"I'm actually not that thirsty."
"Oh come on, try something new!" She grabs the cup from my hand hovering the cup beneath my nose.

What a sweet aroma. I grab the cup from her, before taking a swig I look at the liquid swishing it back and forth.

"Second thoughts?"

I nod.

"Come on! This is collage live a little. Or do you want to be stuck In that little room reading the same book over and over?"

Now she's getting on my nerves.
"Know what?"

"What?" Her expression is curious.

"I'll take your challenge!" I throw my head back chugging the sour boiling liquid.
The feeling of it going down my throat is unpleasant.

"There you go!"

I smile weakly at her.

"Round two?"

"Sure I could go for another." No I can't....

"Hold on let me go get more!" She runs off once again.

I stand there awkwardly, this place is getting really hot. How embarrassing would it be if I just started to sweat? Ugh.

I look around for anywhere with a towel or something to at least cool or wipe me.

Instead of finding what I want, I see a pair of eyes looking back at me. The person turns away putting on their hood to walk away.


"Here we are!" (Rm/n) is back with the drinks.
"I grabbed 3 bottles this time for you."

I sigh, "oh goody!"

She waits again.

Oh let's get this over with.

I grab the first bottle taking my time with it.
Different type of flavor.

Getting the next bottle the cold liquid goes down my throat.

(Rm/n) is already going to town with her alcohol.

Looking at my last bottle i grab it trying to chug the whole thing so I don't have to taste any more of it.

"Come on let's go dance!"

My face begins to heat up.

"Okay." She grabs my hand pulling me to the dance floor. Through the mob of people-many dance in silly ways.

(Rm/n) starts to dance in an sexual way. Like most people. I look around, I feel very uncomfortable, before I know it She starts to dance with this other man in the crowd.

The dance floor starts to spin and spin. I think I'm going to be sick.

I cover my mouth trying to move past the dancing people. I'm going to black out.

I close my eyes feeling dizzy.

"Come with me!"


Someone in a black hoodie grabs my wrist racing me out of the mob.
"W-who are you?" He probably can't hear me through the music and I'm also mumbling.

We go up the stairs. No, no, no-turn back now this is the passing point.
I stop walking.

"Hey don't be so stubborn I'm trying to help you."

"Oh, are you? You probably just want to-" then I lose the feeling in my legs....falling back.

I open my mouth about to scream-nothing comes out. Closing my eyes I know what pain I'll be feeling instead of my hangover.

I stop falling-something lays against my hips making me lose contact in falling.

"Jesus I told you." The person puts me back in standing position.

"Here." They pulls me up to carry me bridal style.

"My face turns red-yes from the alcohol-but because of the situation as well.

We go up the stairs. My Vision only gets blurrier.

"Hey! Say-rats!" A boy with red hair approaches us. His glasses are quite goofy, you could tell he was intoxicated as well.

"Go away idiot brother."

"Gets some bro."

The person who carries me sighs.

We head to the back of the hall way going into the last room.

My stomach starts to make funny sounds.

The person closes the door behind us once we enter the room.


"Thank you I guess."

They only sigh again.
"Here let me find you something."
They pull down their hood revealing the white hair they have.

UGH WAIT- who do I know who has such despicable hair and taste in clothing?

He digs through the medicine cabinet.

"I can't find anything." He turns to look at me.

"Hey, what up with you?"

I'm in the bathroom.


With the door closed.

With a strange Boy.


Not any strange boy.


My rival.


I think this little series is going somewhere. Lolololol but imma start putting this on hold for awhile and work on my other one shots. But don't worry I won't just like suddenly stop. I'll be working on it now as then so be on the look out!
Anyways before I bore you.
Yuuki over and out~

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