Annabeth P.O.V. Chapter 3

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I walked out of Percy's cabin. I was mad at him. I did not think he would act that way. I knew he was portective, but not like that. I walked straight to the woods. I went to a decent size tree. I remener this tree from a while back. it was perfect for me. It had a big branch to lay on. I started to climb it. Maybe, I should go back and say sorry. I decied adgaisnt it. I heard a noise somewhere off to my right. I decied maybe I should just go to bed. Im really tried from me and Percy's early fun. 

I jumped down from the tree, and started walking back. I walked out and i saw that boy still checking me out. "Don't make me go get Percy." I said to him. He instenily looked away. There were perks to dating a bad boy. Man its getting cold! I thought to myself. I walked back to my cabin slightly shivering. i walked in, and saw a lump in my bed. "Percy?" I whispered. It didn't respond. I guess this is Percy's way of saying he still needs me. I Lifted up the cover, and curled up next to him. I felt his arm go instenly around me. "I'm sorry about earlyer, I just don't want anybody hitting on my girl." He said. I just smiled. He really did care. "Why dont we go back to my cabin, so we don't get in trouble?" He asked. I got up, and felt him get up, and wrap his arms around my waist from behind. He put his head on my shoulder. "I Love you, My Wise Girl." He said. "Why don't we go enjoy the stars." He said. We walked out and it was just dark. He took my hand, and started to walk to the shore. We sat down right next to it. Barely out of it's reach. "I'm sorry." he whispered really quite, like he was trying not to let me hear it.

We heard a scream behind us. Percy Insteanly stood up first sword drawn. "Nothing is going to hurt you!" He snarled. We wacthed as Leo ran away from Frank. Frank had a fire exshuter. "LEO!!! YOU ARE GOING TO LIGHT THE WHOLE CAMP ON FIRE!!!!' Frank yelled at him. "I CAN'T TURN IT OFF!!!!!!!!!" Leo yelled freaking out. He was starting to get close to us. Precy trusted out his hand, and a HUGH wave, Splashed on Leo. Putting him out, but also making him soaked to the bone. "Thanks Percy!!!!" Leo said. He walked away. Frank still keep the exshuter trained on him, just incase he brusted into flames. I started to laugh at poor leo. He was just so funny!!! Percy sat down right by me. He pulled me closer. I drapped my legs over his. "So Wise girl, What should we do?" He asked. I just started to relize I waas shivering. He pulled me in closer. To the point I am sititng on his lap. "I'm Cold" I told him. Percy leaned in and gave me a kiss. Not like his other ones. But it was sweet, and slow. he finally pulled away, leaving a warm feeling all threw my body. "All better?" He smirked. I just nodded, and snuggled my head on his chest. 

"Maybe we should go to bed, I wouldn't want anything to happen to my girl." Percy said. I felt his fingures rub my back. It tickled. He was making little circles. "Percy, Im cold." I said again. I could feel myself getting sleepyer. 

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