Annabeth Chapter 7.

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AS OF THIS POINT, EXPECT DIRTY PARTS, AND STUFF.. YA..... (that was a dream he was having, but now he is a bad boy, and annabeth is a girl girl, that doesnt like to fight)

I felt him chuckle himself to sleep.  I curld up closer to him, and drifted off to sleep.

"ANNABETH!!!!"I heard him yelled. He shock himself awake, and scared me in the process. "What is it Percy!?!??!" I yelled/wimpered. "Where are we, are you okay?" He asked. He grabbed me closer. He was probably having a am-nes-sion attack. "We are in my dorm room. The night before your birthday. I don't have a roomate, and thought I would make you extra happy on this specail day. Considering you are turning 19." I told him. He started to relax. I felt his hand crept up my thigh. "My specail day?" He was starting to remenber. "Ya, but I already did that, now we need to sleep." I looked over at my desk clock. "Nevermind, it is 7:04.  I am going to go make you breakfest." I got out of bed. I looked back at him. He was just smirking. I was wearing an undershirt, and some underwear, that was it. No bra. That was probably why he was smiling. I walked over to my dresser, and slipped on a bra underneath. He was still smiling. "What are you so happy about?" I asked him. "That I just get to wake up to the most beatiful girl in the world. I have the best job being a consuler at Camp Half Blood, and if I remenber right, we had the best night in a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time...." I just laughed, and walked out of my room, and into the kicken. "Babe!!! What do you want?!??!" I yelled at him. He leaned in te door way. "you" He smirked, and ran up, and just held me.  I squirmed in his arms. He leaned down and kissed me. I love it when he just held me and did this. He kissed me long and slow.

When we finally pulled away we were both smirking like idoits. "Percy" I whispered. "What wise girl?" he asked still holding me. "I have school. But once I get back here, it will be just you and me. And since today is Friday, I will also have the weekend, and then you need to go back to work." I kissed him on his nose, and slipped out of his arms. "Annabeth. You had new bruises on your arms, and stomach. And I didnt cause them. What happened?" He grabbed my arm before I was comepletly out of reach. "Nothing. I just tripped down the stairs." I said lieing to him. The truth was I got bullied because of how smart I was. how I was just a geek in the back of the classroom. And I didnt want anybody to know about me and Percy, because other girls might try to steal him, or be my friend because he scares them. He just nodded his head. "So.. Whats is for breakfest?" He asked. "Do I have to do all the work around here!??!!?" I asked him teasing. 

"Well it is my specail day, and I got to do my hair. Or else I am going to look like a wreck the rest of the day." he sais still smiling. That was the best part about him. When he was just with me he was smiling. I walked up to him and messed up his hair more. he gave me that "You better run" stare. I ran right to the bedroom, and shut the door behind me. But that didnt stop him. "Percy. This might kill the mood, but you look like a big evil lion right now." He just stared at me. Then let out a big "ROOOOOOOOAR" I backed up into the bed and fell down on my back. He jumped on top of me. Just keeping me pinned. He wiggled his eyebrows. "So you decied to mess up my hair?" He asked like a challegned. But I wasnt going to back down to him. "Yea. I did." I smirked. I felt his head dip and inseantly start sucking on my sweet spot.  (I explained it in the dream) I started to moan. I looked over at the clock, and instenily pushed Percy off. "I got to get to school!!! You have gotten me in trouble enough. And if I dont get to school on time. No birthday supprise when I get home!" He just put on a pouty face. it was kinda hard when he had a his bad boy look. But he was alway wearing little fishy underwear too.. So I guess its just the hair, and earing, and trident tattoe on his right shoulder. 

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