Percy P.O.V. Chapter 6

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I made it down to the shore. Nobody was really out, and even if tho there is like 3 they didnt notice. I moticed to Annabeth to come. That was when I saw Jack. I tried to signal no, but she just ran. That was when she tripped. 'ANNABETH!!!" I yelled. I quickly put on the boxers, and just ran to her. jack we oboiusly there first. "GET THE HADES AWAY FROM HER!!!!" I yelled at him. He just smirked, and walked over to Annabeth. It was like all in slow moe. He walked up, and just brushed hr hair. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!!! I SAD BACK AWAY FROM HER!!!!!!" I yelled. I looked over and saw Mrs. O'Lery running over to stop Jack. She picked him up. and just ran off with him. I finally made it to her. She had blood over her face, and just about a ripped bra. "What did he do?" I asked in a whisper. I leaned down super close to her. "He said..." She coughed up some blood. "He said, he wanted to make me scream. I.." She threw up again, it also had a lot of blood in it. "I said, only Percy can make me scream. He pulled out his knife, and cut my face. And asked it again. I still said no. He keep cutting me till I agreed." She threw up again, this time over my arms. I didnt care. "He said he was just going to have to do it by forse. She he went stright for my bra. Then O'Lery came." She was just on the brink of passing out. I helded her close. I looked back and saw Jason looking at us. "JASON!!!!! GET HELP!!! FAST!!!! PLEASE!!!!" I yelled on the top of my lungs. I wacth him sprit to the Apollo cabin. "Nothing is going to hurt you!" I whispered to her......









I woke with a start. I looked over at my side. "it was just a dream." I sighed out with relfie. "You still drool in your sleep." Annabth muttered. I just chuckled and fell back asleep.




THE END!!!!!!!!!

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