Chapter Three

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Harry stood in front of a row of dingy looking houses. There was a small cobbled square where children were still running round although the sun was setting and night was threatening to swallow the sky in its inky blackness.

His group of protectors stood behind him, all smiling lightly at the utter confusion on the raven haired boys face.

"Where are we?" The green-eyed boy asked, his eyes meeting Remus' as he turned his head slightly.

"Here," Moody pulled out a piece of parchment and handed it to Harry. "Read and memorize."

Harry's eyes scanned the cursive writing and his eyebrows furrowed together. This was not giving him any answers. "What's 'the Order of the-'"

"Shhh, not out here." Moody interjected and with a wave of his wand, the parchment in Harry's hand burst into flames, soon turning into nothing.

Suddenly, the building in front of them began to tremble. Harry stared on, astonished, as a new house began to appear in between number eleven and thirteen. What shocked Harry the most, however, was the fact that the Muggles seemed not to notice the building trembling and just carried on as if nothing was happening.

The group guided Harry inside and Harry stood at the door, looking around curiously. The house was dusty, the wallpaper peeling, the floorboards creaking, cobwebs infesting the house like lines on a map. Harry noticed that the house was dark aswell. He saw no windows, or bright colours apart from the Slytherin green that adorned the walls and the dark chestnut wood that covered the floors.

"Welcome, Harry, to your new home. The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix." Lupin smiled as he came up behind Harry.

With confusion and frustration still clouding his mind, Harry went to walk deeper into the house to explore and let the others past when Mrs. Weasley suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

Her plump face crossed with joy upon seeing Harry and she pulled the lanky boy in for a motherly hug. Harry grinned and hugged back. No matter how frustrating his current situation was, seeing his family was always the best feeling to him. He treasured it.

"Harry, thank goodness. I was so worried. Oh, let me look at you. You're looking peaky; you need feeding up." Mrs Weasley examined, her hands resting on each side of his face, while her voice held a disapproving tone.

"I'm fine." Harry smiled, the lie flowing from his lips smoothly.

"Did everything go well, then?" Mrs. Weasley said, turning to the others.

"Not so much as a peep. Bucket-leg here wanted to come from the southwest. Add another hour to the trip." Tonks explained, addressing Mad-Eye.

"Well, the meeting has already started. The others are waiting for the rest of you."

"Harry, upstairs, first door on your right." Mrs. Weasley smiled, ushering Harry upstairs.

"I can't come?"

"Sorry, Harry. Members only, and you're still a bit young." Lupin smiled, sounding almost apologetic.

"Are you sure, I mean I -"

"Oh don't worry, Harry. It's nothing important. Just go up stairs, they'll explain everything." Molly interjected with a tight-lipped smile.


But the others had already disappeared into the mystery meeting room at the end of the dark hall. Harry trudged upstairs, anger bubbling in his veins because he still had no answers.

He walked up to the first door on the right and knocked three times. As he knocked, a rain fall of dust sprinkled from the ceiling, leaving the air thick and heavy.

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