Chapter Six

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Harry and Arthur entered the Ministry of Magic using the visitors entrance which was a Muggle telephone box that led them down straight into a crowded hall.

Harry was awestruck and it wasn't until Arthur gave him a little push did he begin to move. The Ministry was completely different to what Harry thought it would be. The whole place was covered in black tiles and fireplaces lined the walls to which witches and wizards were exiting at an alarming rate.

In front of the bustle of workers stood a giant gold statue that held a wizard holding his wand to the sky, a house-elf and a centaur, water flowing from it elegantly.

"Wow." Harry muttered, his emerald eyes taking in the last of the spectacular room. It almost made him forget the fear that was coursing through his veins. Almost made him forget that this place was the reason people didn't believe him. Almost...

"Come on, Harry. It's easy to get lost." Mr. Weasley said as he began to guide Harry away.

Suddenly, through the dense crowd, Kingsley came rushing up to the two of them. Harry furrowed his eyebrows, he looked panicked.

"Arthur! Arthur!"

"Kingsley, what are you doing down here?" Mr Weasley asked after Kingsley stopped in front of them.

"This just arrived a moment ago." The dark skinned wizard panted.

Kingsley handed Arthur a piece of pristine parchment and the red head read it, his face paling drastically.

Panic flared inside of Harry and he could feel his palms go sweaty even though he suddenly felt very cold.

"Merlin's beard!" Mr. Weasley exclaimed with a look of panic.

"What's the matter?" Harry managed to get out even though he felt a lump in his throat.

"They changed the time. We should of been there five minutes ago. Hurry!"

The two rushed off and Harry felt overwhelmed. He felt like the world was against him and it only made the anger forever in him grow. 

"Why would they change the time? Thank goodness we decided to come early." Mr Weasley huffed as they reached a lift. And when Harry entered he could only mentally thank Arthur, as words decided to fail him. He hoped he looked a lot calmer than he felt on the inside.

The lift doors closed and they slowly decended down.

Once the two reached their required destination, the two exited the lift.

Where they were now was a small corridor with the same black tiles as the main hall. Harry noticed at the end of the hall was a black door. The place was abandoned but Harry didn't have a chance to continue staring at the door as suddenly Mr Weasley was on the move again and Harry had to follow.

They took a few turns down identical corridors that Harry never noticed and abruptly they stopped in front of some wooden doors.

"I can't believe they did this. Come here, Harry. Let me get a good look at you. Good enough." Arthur mumbled while brushing away some imaginary dust off Harry's suit jacket. "Well then, good luck."

"Wait, you're not coming with me?" Harry asked in worry and suddenly the panic Harry was trying to bury exploded inside of him, taking over his body like poison. If he was alone he stood no chance. They hated him. After all, he was some crazed liar.

"Me? No, I'm not allowed. But you'll be fine. Just tell the truth, that's all you'll need. I'll be right out here waiting." Arthur reassured, smiling slightly but Harry noticed how it faltered slightly. "Ready?"

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